
Personal Narrative-I M In Cleveland's Contemporary Youth Orchestra

Decent Essays

From a young age, I learned that no matter how hard you try, people of color have to work harder than others. As a young African-American girl, I knew that my the majority of teachers preferred white students to black students, with there being no more than five black children in any of my classes throughout elementary school. In a society that is based on who you are, what you look like, where you come from, and who you love, it’s very easy to lose touch with your roots. Throughout my many activities and community outreach, I hope to begin to repair the color line that has imbedded itself within present day society by showing that everyone, regardless of color, should have the same rights and opportunities. Throughout my middle …show more content…

I’m in Cleveland’s Contemporary Youth Orchestra. We are a diverse group made of all colors, genders, religions, and sexualities. Through music, we are able to convey the message that no matter who you are or where you come from, we are bound together by our love of music. We use music as an outlet to combat racism, violence, sexism, homophobia, and so many more issues present in society to show that we are all humans living on this planet together. When hardships hit us, we are able to come together as a family and heal each other, then we reach out and help the community heal. I also perform in a youth group through my church called C-Life and the Leaders of Tomorrow. We do outreach on a state level, performing for people all races, sexualities, genders, and backgrounds. We work to show that a person’s past and skin color do not define who you are or what you’re capable …show more content…

Many individuals only view diversity through a colored lens, taking into account only skin color. In reality, diversity is much more than the physical appearance. Diversity covers gender, sexuality, race, religion, and so many more aspects of everyday life. Diversity is important to me specifically because I encounter it every day. From the minute I walk into school I am surrounded by people from all aspects and walks of life. To me, diversity is so much more than a concept, it’s my reality. It matters to me because without it, I would not be the individual I am today. Diversity is important because it prevents you from walking in the ignorance of a one-sided mindset. If we claim that diversity is merely based on skin color alone, we’re no better than the intolerance that tries to persecute us and erase our stories from

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