To begin, when I first walked in the theater I was surprised to see an orchresta, band, and choir set on the stage. I was expecting a musical, not a concert, even though the title did say “in concert.” I am not sure but when I think of plays, I usually only except actors on the stage, not musicians with them. I am glad to know now that it does not always have to be that way. Furthermore, I am not religious, so I was not familiar with Jesus’s last week of life, so some of the story was a bit confusing for me to follow, since I did not know what the significane of the chacters were. However, I was able to get the gist of it, and I saw who was the antagonist and protagonist. Jesus, of course, was the protagonist, while Caiaphas and Annas seemed
On February 26th 2016, I went out with my friend to saw this event. It was the first time of my life to be in such production. I was not a fan of theaters. I thought they are boring. Now, my mind has changed because the play was amazing. So, on the next day,
I had never been to a live play before and really did know what to expect. When I read that we had to attend a play I was "like no way". Overall, I must say I enjoyed the play and actually laughed majority of the time. I think the director did a great job with organizing the realization of
One of the main magic’s of the theatre is for the audience to go into it unaware of what they will see, and exit with a whole new view in mind. This is still possible in jukebox musicals even if the audience member is familiar with some of the songs. Songs, text, and all literature can be interpreted in different ways based on the individual. Theatre is meant for all different people to enjoy. Some may like going to a show featuring songs that their favorite artists wrote or that speak to a memorable time of their life. It becomes a discussion about how the audience can relate to the characters.
The concert could be define as the act of performing in public. In order to our music appreciation class to synchronize the theory to the practice. We, students, have been requited by our instructor to write a concert review as an assignment. It is in that sense that I went to the Levitt pavilion and attend to Walt wilkins & mystiqueros.
On the evening of Sunday, December 16, 2012, I had the pleasure of attending a concert I’d wanted to see for quite a while. I was delighted to attend Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker, performed by the Richmond Symphony Orchestra and the Richmond Ballet. The performance took place at Carpenter Theatre in Richmond Virginia. As I entered I felt a bit out of place. I’d never attended a performance quite like this one and I was a bit nervous. I took my seat to the left of the orchestra pit. I was thrilled to see how close I was. I had arranged for a seat near the orchestra so I could observe them as they played.
I thought the place would be more like the auditorium that I saw before from my high school, but in fact the lighting and the design had made the theatre looked more like a palace. It was divided into two levels, with the second level hanging over half of the first floor. The stage was covered with two red curtains that the outer curtain would be pulled open when the performance started. The theatre itself was surrounded by many window-like niches that appeared every few feets. We actually had met the musicians before the performance. Some of them were relaxing at the field in front of the building and talking to the audiences. The male musicians were dressed up in black suits uniformly while the female musicians had either dressed in black, long dresses or trousers. The similarities between all of the musicians were their friendly attitude and the sort of excitement that they shared on their
From the moment I sat on my seat, I noticed the scenery and the props for the play. The stage was set completely. My eyes wandered and paid attention to all the intricate details. The stage also captured the bright and colorful vibes that happened in 1970s. This was important since it set an illuminating atmosphere and a friendly mood. Moreover, Kyle Wessel’s portrayal
As we dressed for the show, my thoughts were flooded with images and ideas. We descended the hotel stairs, hailed a taxi, and arrived at the theatre; while I remained in a pleasant daze. My first impression of the Nederlander met and exceeded all my expectations. I had envisioned an old theater, forgotten by the Broadway elite. As we walked to the door, we were able to see the wall signed by the cast and photos of the premier. The theater itself had a rundown feel to it and left you with the distinct impression that the magic was within the walls and on stage. As we entered the doors, I soaked in every thing. Our seats were located in the center, orchestra section, which gave us a perfect view of all the action.
Growing up, I have been to multiple theatre productions. I have seen the musical Wicked and the Lion King on Broadway, A Christmas Carol at the Alley Theatre and several high school productions including Greese and Much Ado About Nothing. This production was much different than the ones I have been to in the past. This play was on a smaller scale and the cast was smaller. However, this production felt more intimate since the audience was physically closer to the actors.
It was different than other concerts I’ve been to because the actors were ordinary people that are pursuing a career of acting. I enjoyed the laid back atmosphere and also the comical relief that it gives you to be there with your friends and family. In class we listen to more classical music, this concert was more modern and had very little to compare with the material we’ve covered in class. This experience showed the importance of music in the average person's life, whether it's classical or modern, music plays an important role in everyone's
The Concert Culture: On April 14th, I experienced the Tennessee Theatre for the first time. The Tennessee theatre was beautiful. The decor reflected an era much earlier then today's time period. The walls and ceiling are all accented in gold with beautiful arches and designs. All the curtains in the theatre are red with gold accents as well. The ceiling is a turquoise color also accented in gold. The seats in the theatre are red with a velvet look and feel. The stage is rather plain tan color with a very simple red design on the walls and lights overhead. The stage mainly consists of the symphony orchestra players all of which are seated in chairs. All the musicians are dressed the same, in a black suit with a white shirt. The music feels like it is all around me even though the musicians are only right in front of me. The music is loud but not to the extent of being annoying or irritating. The musicians have a way
It is possible to write on the life of Jesus from the information gathered from the bible. I will be dividing my essay into three parts. In the first part of the paper, I will talk about the nature of the gospels, John’s views vs. the Synoptic, discuss if the authors of the gospels are eyewitnesses and how they used written sources. Also I will talk about the Q source. Then I will elaborate on the topic of how Matthew and Luke were similar. Then I will continue on by discussing how the Old Testament uses Moses, Samuel and Elijah to interpret Jesus, and finally whether or not the Sermon on the Mount happened. In the second part of my paper, I will talk about Jesus’s birth and childhood, his miracles, his resurrection, and what Jesus did to cure people, spirits and how they are interpreted to the prophet, magician and the mad man compared to Saul and Elijah. The final part of the paper I will talk about what Jesus talked about as regards to the Kingdom of God vs. the Kingdom of the Romans and what he intended by speaking of the end of the world. I will also speak of the reasons behind the Romans executing him. My sources for this paper will be the New Jerusalem Bible Readers edition as my primary source and lecture notes from Professor Trumbach.
The music played throughout all of the concerts adhered to be diverse. The instruments, the individuals performing, and the conductor all proved to be outstanding. The concerts proved to be interesting as I witnessed them, first hand.
So as you can see, the difference between a story and a play aren’t that big at all, and hardly affect the performance. But the similarities between both are greater. It shows that no matter the differences, it doesn’t matter if you are reading a book or watching a live performance. As long as you remember what Edgar Allen Poe was trying to explain through his works of
Before I get to the main part of this long awaited letter, I think a short explanation is called for as to why it has taken so long. By now I may have come across as upset or angry at you and the monastic community of St Bernard Abbey, this is not so! It has taken a good part of a year to get this far, in fact, I can recall four or five times I was going to set down and write you and the community, however, at the time it seemed I had nothing to say or life changed so suddenly I thought it best to pray and reflect on my current situation.