
Personal Narrative: Masculine Vulnerability

Decent Essays

You see Jackie trusted that no matter what I did (big head) ―I would come home to her. This trust would become a trait I'd desire and exhibit throughout the rest of my journey. My regret is that the lack of understanding of how to properly use this trust cost me, Jackie. As I eventually tried a relationship with an upper classmate. By the time I realized the importance of that trust trait to my growth in manhood, life had moved forward — Masculine Vulnerabilities.

According to my publisher, I am to offer teachable moments in my writing. This is a very important lesson. If a woman can truly exhibit unconditional trust, she will gain as I have exhibited a lifetime friend whom can be counted and depended upon in any times of need. You will gain "my folks" status for life, which means you …show more content…

She has thanked me throughout life as my candid advice has paid off for both her career and private life. However, men will test that trust because it is so connected to our emotional vulnerability. We feel that if we totally put our "mother's love" into a woman, our ego and control would be at risk. The violation should the woman be perceived as faking this trust will lead to stalking, domestic violence, and crazy cheating. Speaking of cheating, as bizarre as this may sound, a man will use trust as a license to experiment. In our sub-conscious mind, we are trying to perfect our techniques and show emotions with no emotional risk because we have "our folks" at home. This is why women get such adamant confessions of innocence when confronted. We truly don't perceive that having an affair as cheating because you are "folks"; the other person is just temporary fun or sowing of oats. We actually surmise that we are cheating to make our relationship with you

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