
Personal Narrative: My First Soccer Player

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A soccer ball, around the ball that shape never changes. The ball that made history. This ball made past players and present players showcase their talents and impress the viewers.
Legends have broke records and set records as well. It turned players into legends and created glorious moments. But this ball also created same emotional moments in the game of soccer. Leaving players with sadness, while the opposition is full of happiness. This is the ball I fell in love with, a soccer ball that has history behind it.
I Can still remember the day my father walked into the house with a small soccer ball when I was four years old. The ball wasn’t a regular soccer ball, it was a round and hard plastic ball. I really loved that ball, it was my first …show more content…

Then I would sit down and cry about it. But as time past by, this ball starts to become more friendly. I was able to kick it and have fun with it. However, that ball came to an end after two years. I had to get rid of it since I had completely destroyed it while kicking it into walls. That was the ball that thought me the game of soccer skills. It also made me realize that I have the ability to play the game of soccer. After giving up my first soccer ball, I encountered many other soccer balls. They made me the person I am today, which is why I have such addiction to the game of soccer. Everyday,
I worked diligently on my skills with them, just to better a person, and a better player the next day. I faced many challenges in order to play with a soccer ball. Sometimes, I even got into arguments with my parents about the times I spend with a soccer ball. Soccer is my drug and my stress reliever. When I am going through burdensome times, there is only one thing that can help me, a soccer ball. When I am playing with it, a sense of relief overcomes me. It makes me forget all the negativity that is going on in my life, and flourish me with positive

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