Before taking this test, I was not aware of what type of learner I was. Every time I had to study for a test, I simply used flashcards and continuously re-write the information until i had established a vast understanding for it. After taking this Learning Style Inventory, I am now more aware of what type of learner I am and how I can use these styles on a daily basis. As you can see from my results, I scored highest in logical, social, and aural.
Trying to relate my learning styles from past experiences, I moderately understand how my highest score was logical. I would not quite classify myself as logical, however, when I study for any subject, I try to seek for connections and relationships between concepts. In this sense, I will consider
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Whether it is me with a question or a classmate, I am always open to listen, assist, and share my understanding. My vision of a social learning style is study in a group. Lately, I have been studying in groups more often, which comes to my attention that it is definitely working. It allows me to bounce ideas throughout my classmates. When studying in groups, I personally will use this to let each other to teach other in what one thinks she/he is and “expert” in. Furthermore, this learning style can also include family, where you can simply ask them to quiz you before exams. This will provide me social interactions, which is most competent for me, making the process of the information easier.
Aural learning is definitely one I am aware of. I undoubtedly learn best when teachers give lectures. I tend to remember and repeat ideas that are verbally presented. When test taking, I recall my voice and my teacher voice lecturing the information. Discussing the new information given and learning from my mistakes verbally, allows me to comprehend the information in a more efficient way. This style of learning can enhance my study skills by simply listening to the lectures given in class and take notes. So later I can recall back to what information I have to take
This inventory is designed to help you discover your learning modality. Each person has a way s/he prefers to take in information. Knowing your preferences will help you know your strengths in a learning situation.Please answer each question with your first, gut-level response. Answer according to what you do now, not how you think people perceive you or what you think the answer should be. Use the following scale to answer each question. Circle your answer. 1 = NEVER 2 = RARELY 3 = OCCASIONALLY 4 = USUALLY 5 = ALWAYS|
After completion of the test on myself I have discovered that I have a learning style of Logical – Mathematical, with a majority score of 37, closely followed by Interpersonal with a score of 32, (see Appendix 1).
After completing the assessment, the inventory concludes that my learning style is predominantly feeling and concrete experiences. For concrete experience, my score of 43 reveals my passion to learn information that I believe is relevant for myself. Subsequently, scoring 34 for active experimentation indicates my preference for applying and testing ideas to understand a concept. Additionally, scoring 25 for reflective observation reveals how I learn concepts through observing others complete a task. Scoring 18 for abstract conceptualization indicates how my learning style does not depend on facts and figure. With all of these learning styles, my graph illustrates strong areas in mode 4 and 1, however, it is immensely low in mode 2 and 1. Overall, my results showcase that I belong in mode 4 learning. The learning style inventory is accurate as it reveals that my strongest learning style is concrete experience. This
The learning style I identified with is read/write. I basically learn things better by reading and writing things down. As you read and write things down it makes it easier for me to remember things better. If I continuously re-read things, I would remember them for a long time. And if I re-write things I’d be ably to remember it for a long time as well. Because I remember better if I read I always keep a highlighter near by because if I highlight something I know it’ll be important and it will make it easier for studying for test. Not only that, because I use different colored highlighters it makes me remember things more also. Yes, I did know that this was my preferred learning style before completing this assessment because,
Based on my personal inventory evaluation check list I have a combination of learning styles. I am a visual and kinesthetic learner. I definitely learn best when I am taught new information with some type of picture or visual. Also, having the hands on experience I feel helps me to retain information better. I tend to watch a lot of educational videos online because I feel it helps me to process the information and prepare for exams better. During exams I try visualize the
After taking the learning styles and study strategies quiz, I received the results of 50% tactile, 25% Auditory, and 25% visual learner. I would strongly agree with these results because I am a
The fifth student learning objective assures that we will be able to function well in a multi- disciplinary team. I took Engineering 100 course in my past where I was required to work in a group of students of different majors. Our group had to design and build a hovercraft for the entire semester and the hovercraft project was divided into several parts which was excessively affective to perform the goal of our project. However, our team was able to help each other out when it came to the different aspects of designing the hovercraft by having a multi-disciplinary team. For instance, we were able to rely on the computer science teammate for the programming of the hovercraft while my team was able to rely on me when it came to the financial
•My top-scoring learning style preference was read/write at 15 and my low-scoring learning style preference was aura with a 2.
Although, I may lean more toward one method than another I feel as if I am pretty flexible. One thing about addressing learning preferences is, keeping it in mind allows teachers to address the diversity of their students (Wilson, 2012). I often use technology in the classroom since today’s students love technology. My students are allowed to come to the Activboard and participate in lessons. This helps those students that are visual and tactile learners. I also talk a lot trying to help students make connections. I’ve been told I talk too much. One thing I will be sure of from what I learned in the lesson this week is making sure to help students make connections and limiting the information I give them (Sousa,
I don’t remember a clearly specific time time of learning something difficult. But I’m sure I have had such time. Normally if I have trouble learning something, I would try to evaluate myself to see what make it hard for me to learn it. Asking myself questions such as, do I have sufficient knowledges or skills to learn it but, not yet tried hard enough?, or am I missing something else that prevent me from learning?. If so, I will try harder or set a smaller, easier goals as stepping stones.
My learning style is being a visual learner. First, a visual learner is someone who has to see what they're learning in order to understand the material taught. When learning, I prefer to use graphs, charts, diagrams, pictures, videos, and other things instead of listening to a teacher talk. When I study notes for a quiz I always end up highlighting most of the text. Being a visual learner impacts others and I in different ways. First, studies show that classrooms are needing more visual aid type teaching lessons because so many children learn visually, but aren't getting the help they need. If more teachers taught with pictures, examples, diagrams ,etc, then there would be a huge rise in test scores. Students including myself can study better and increase our vocabulary by being taught in an environment that matches our learning type.
The first inventory also showed that I am a visual learner and that pictures, diagrams, flow charts, time lines, films, and demonstrations help me grasp information better(Felder & Soloman, n.d.). Learning Style Inventory by Penn State University corresponded with the first inventory and stated that I was a visual learner, and that I visualize concepts in my head (Penn State, 2010).
I began the learning style inventory with reasonable understanding of how I learn due to my professional requirements. As I studied each answer, it wasn’t as straightforward as I had originally suspected. I found it, at times difficult to pick one answer over the other in part because of many diverse prior personal experiences. This unit has taught me a lot about learning styles and how they can possibly overlap. Even though there’s a lot of overlapping, I could tell that my preference of learning style was analytical. I’ve always valued hands on experience, but I can now see how my learning styles play off one another. Once I obtain the hands on experience I can analyze each step to improve my performance in the future. Even though I enjoy
Starting in fifth grade when I first picked up a viola, orchestra has been a fundamental part of my identity in school. My first year in high school I was in the entry level orchestra, which I greatly enjoyed despite the easier music because of the community of people in the class. At the end of my freshman year, orchestra got the news that the number of orchestra classes would be cut down to two, making an entry level class, symphonic, and an audition only higher level class, chamber. Wanting a challenge, I auditioned for chamber, but I did not get in. Now, this was not the failure that came with a grand lesson There happened to be a large number of very talented violinists who had seniority over me. There also happened to be a shortage of
A) I expected to get artistic, creative and investigative as my results on surveys that I took, because I already knew I had these traits as a part of my personality. However, the results from my learning styles survey were a little surprising to me. I got visual as my highest total score, while kinesthetic and auditory were almost balanced out scores. The reason why I was a little surprised was that last year, I took a survey to figure out my learning style, and I got both auditory and visual learner. The results have their little differences, but that shows people do change over time. Learning styles can be learned and strengthened.