
Personal Narrative: My Practicum At Trinity Counseling Center

Satisfactory Essays

I am interested in completing my practicum at Trinity Counseling Center, located in Anaheim, California. I am interested in completing my practicum at Trinity Counseling Center because I have personally received counseling and therapy at Trinity Counseling Center. I began to receive counseling services at Trinity in July of 2014 when I was going through a very difficult time in my life. Before I went to Trinity Counseling Center and began counseling sessions at Trinity, I received counseling services at another Christian counseling center. However, the counselor at this first Christian counseling center abandoned me. He gave me a list of local Christian counseling centers and then he abandoned me. After a few months of feeling very confused and hurt due to abandonment by my first counselor, I was able to begin receiving counseling services at Trinity Counseling …show more content…

This counseling center is a Christian counseling center located in Anaheim, California. Hope Counseling Center is affiliated with Hope International University, a Christian university located in Fullerton, California. Hope Counseling Center of Hope International University is an on-site counseling center that is a convenient site for Marriage and Family Therapy students to accumulate their clinical training and practicum hours. The clients of Hope Counseling Center meet individually with counselors once per week during 50 minute sessions. Hope Counseling Center helps individuals and families to repair broken interpersonal connections, navigate life transitions, and grow more self-sufficient so that they can experience more fulfilling interpersonal relationships. The possibility of being a practicum student at Hope Counseling Center is very appealing because Hope Counseling Center is a practicum site for Marriage and Family Therapy students from local Christian

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