
Personal Narrative: My Resident Assistants (RA) In Notre Dame

Satisfactory Essays

The people that have the most positive impact on me have been my Resident Assistants (RA) in Notre Dame. The first day I arrived I was stressed, confused, and very nervous. The RA on my floor, Navjot Kaur, went out of her way to comfort me and go over my schedule. Throughout that semester and the following, she was always there to give me tips and help me through it. She was not alone, Veronica Hayden and Gavin O’Brien were also there to help be navigate the difficult road. There actions inspired to me apply to be an RA, where I was hired. These RAs have given me invaluable tips, helps navigating campus, and most importantly a helping hand. Knowing that I hand someone that was willing to help was an asset in itself. These past semesters, I

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