
Personal Narrative: My Trip To Disney

Satisfactory Essays

I when I went to Disney with Carl, riley, Dylan, Christina, Hailey, Jordan, and Holden I thought it was going to be fun, however, that wasn’t the case. When I went to Disney in august of 2015 there was high hopes, because I went to Disney before and I had a lot of fun, so the second time I went I thought it would be just as fun, and I would be able to go on some of the rides (like the parries of the Carabine), and restaurants from last time. The first time I went me and my brother Kyle, which didn’t go this time, would go to the pool every night and watch to movie that they played for the guests, so this time I wanted to hang out by the pool, and just be alone. I also thought it would be a good time to spend time with Hailey and Jorden, because …show more content…

My favorite ride was closed so they and add on to it. We only got to eat at on real restaurant, the rest of the time all we got was hot dog or hamburger with fries, but when there were more foods to choose from at the hotel. My dad likes to have a set secual so we don’t waste time walking around, but we never stuck to them. To many things would happen to set us back like the lines, Dylan always going to the bathroom in his pants, everyone got tired, and it rained a lot. I was only able go to the pool once with just me and halie; however, a little found a liking to me and would not leave my side. When we were in the town that had the world shops no one even wanted to stop and look. Then when I tried to stay by myself, everyone would get angry at me, but they would never stay. It also rained almost every day, I don’t like rain to begin with, and at the time I had blue hair and the die would run and get all over my shirt or dress that I was wearing. The one time it started raining I would not move from a building I was at even though everyone left to go to a store, I staed there for a good hour before my dad bought me an umbrella and had Hailie bring it to me. Then when It came to the fireworks everyone was to tired and just wanted to go home, so I was never able to see them, but I was able to hear them from the

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