
Personal Narrative: My Trip To Greenville, South Carolina Primary

Decent Essays

This past February I had the chance to travel to Greenville, South Carolina to campaign for the Republican Primary. I have loved politics since I was six years old and I was ready for my first real opportunity. I had already accepted the position of Fulton County Chair and thought campaigning in another state would be the perfect way to prepare myself. I am a fairly reserved person but I was aware of the fact that if I ever wanted to turn my passion for politics into a career I would have to push myself harder. I was invited to accompany some family friends to campaign for the South Carolina primary. I knew I had to say yes. It was a …show more content…

It was just the little push that I needed to keep going. My first call was far from perfect, but I did it! I ended up making 3,000 calls over the next four days. After spending that many hours on the phone I felt like I had phone banking down. I was so excited to move on to our next task, canvassing. I really didn't think that knocking on a stranger's door in a completely different state could be so fulfilling and actually fun! The weather was unusually cold for South Carolina in February. We bundled up and headed to our first neighborhood. It was a middle-class area with lots of houses. I had never been canvassing before so I really didn't know what to expect. Thankfully I wasn't alone and had a very good instructor. After a few verbal practice runs, I gave it a try. I surprisingly found this less intimidated and a lot more fun than phone banking. When you're out walking down the street and talking with people face-to-face you feel like you can make a connection that can't be made over the phone.

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