
Personal Narrative: Overcoming My Fear Of Writing

Decent Essays

Ever since I can remember I have always struggled with writing. I believe that Spanish being my first language has made it that much harder for me to overcome my fear of writing. I am so terrified of writing; that it has taken me about 10 years to finally go back to school again.
If I can avoid writing I will. I have always found it very complicated to express myself on paper. I recall when my third-grade teacher would give us fifteen minutes to write about, anything that would come to mind. My teacher would walk around to see how we were doing, she could see I would struggle but never said anything to me. After all, it was just an exercise and not for a grade. That didn’t change the way I felt, I was so embarrassed to turn in my paper with only a few words on it. …show more content…

This went on for about a week; finally my teacher brought it to my attention. I spilled the beans and told her that I was finding it hard to express my thoughts on paper. The following week, when I walked in her class, I noticed that she had a half written sentence on the board, for us to finish. She told us to complete the sentence and to elaborate on it. Again, we had fifteen minutes, this time I felt my thoughts flowing on to the paper. I found it much easier for me to write about a subject rather than free writing. I turned in my paper feeling proud of myself. At the end of the day my teacher approached me, she told me that she was happy I was able to write. But I had a lot to work on. I don’t know if my language barrier made it more difficult for me to write. Third grade was my first year in regular classes. The first three years prior to third I was in ESL classes. To begin with I wasn’t fluent speaking English, that made it that much harder on my writing. I could recall when I had a writing assignment, my thoughts were in Spanish and I would have to translate them in English on to the paper. With the years that’s gotten a lot better, my

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