
Personal Narrative: Redo In The Collapse

Satisfactory Essays

So to start off, I'm really sorry. There is a bag of potatoes in the sink (the sink is clean the potatoes are in a bag in the sink). The floor does not look good at all (Lisa told Anthony to mop the floor). I Sent Rob home and told him no to come back ( He said he would "just leave" in detail note on desk under deposit slips). I told Lisa she could go home early because she took close to 40min. to finish "cleaning" the shake machine (had to wipe it down the pumps ect.), her tasks I told her to do before she left were the following, Clean back wall ( I had to redo), put potatoes in the cooler , count drawers and paperwork. Everything else in the store should be fine, I washed all of the garbage's, bleached the drains, washed the butler's, wiped

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