
Personal Narrative Story : A Short Story

Decent Essays

“I’m pregnant” the words swirled through my mind, my emotions started to build up, tears ran down my young face in excitement and confusion. I was silent and speechless. “How?”, “when?”, “with who?”, these questions built up in the back of my head before proceeding to respond with a blunt answer of “no way!”. Smirking faces showed up in the room to view my reaction from the news and we all started hugging the mommy- to-be. This news was exciting, but we all had many detailed questions.
All of my family’s emotions were everywhere, yet we were all somehow thinking the same things. At the time, my sister was only 19, living in the low desert, working a full-time retail job. She had tried to go off to a community college and flea the desert, but she quickly found her way back. She wasn’t headed in the school direction once she had finished high school the year before. Justine was a strong-willed Aquarius that always seemed to have a large opinion on any matter, although, this matter was contrary to the usual. my sister was acting very calm and subtle about the situation. As we reacted, our first question was “Who is the dad?” We were quick to find out all of the details about her side of the story, including having met her boyfriend of months at her work. This leads us right into the overwhelming news that he had previously had children, four to be exact, but only having three living with him. This made my father even more furious than before, which lead to tension in the house

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