
Personal Narrative: Success By Marva Collins

Decent Essays

One night when I was at the verge of giving into my pessimistic thoughts, I was searching quotes. Then I came across one that really shifted my mindset it was by Marva Collins and it said “Success doesn’t come to you. You go to it.”I was so mad at that simple statement, I screamed and ranted about how hard I had tried to succeed and failed. Then the next day I actually applied it to my life. I gave myself positive thinking, kept a smile on my face, and didn’t shut down when I didn’t understand the lesson. Before that day, I was so blinded by my negativity, I couldn’t see past it. I became a stubborn, resentful, and dull person. The rage I felt consumed me, and every time I became confused in a subject, I fueled the fire. I was a walking storm

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