As Sarah’s mom pulls into the driveway of 1542 Elm Street, she in nothing but excited. Impatiently she tells her mom to hurry and unlock the door not wanting to waste a single second of the “girls night” planned. When the doors finally unlocked she rushed to grab her bag and practically sprinted up to the front door. Sarah rang the doorbell a couple of times then started to jump up and down as she waited. “Are you ready to stay up all night?”, Katie asked as she excitedly opened the door. “Ya! I’ve had my coffee so I should be good.” “Great! So here is what I’ve got planned. We can start off by going swimming and then we can watch scary movies tonight!” Sarah gulped,”Scary Movies?” “Yup! Me and my mom went out earlier and picked up The Conjuring.
“I think it’s time I got you back to bed, I shall have a maid fetch you whatever books you want.”
RUN! GO NOW!” Ava screamed as she was pushing Mia. They both rushed up the stairs and swung open the door at the top as the big, heavy, door that creaked when you opened it. The door leaded to the outside of the big creepy house. It was like a dog chasing a cat. Ava lived right next door so all they had to do was hop the fence and they were safe. Ava pulled herself up and leaped over the fence so fast like she had done that a million times before. and was perfectly safe but Mia was stuck. “Come on Mia! They are right behind you!” Ava shouted as she was peeking through the fence. Ava grabbed Mia’s hand and pulled her over. They both fell to the ground, and looked at each other with so much
Suddenly, the rusty door starts to open. When Sally saw Aunt Sarah’s hideous face,she started to scream. “AHHH,”
I always say to my family, “One day we will cross la frontera!” Living in Guadalajara, Mexico was not for the faint of heart. My family didn’t have much money and it was hard watching them sleeping on dirt floors. Mama, Roberto, and Francisco deserved better that what they had. I always imagined us crossing over to the beautiful United States. I knew one day we would cross that border so my family could have a better life.
“A few feet from her locker, Laurie froze. There on her locker door, the word “enemy” was painted in red letters. Suddenly the loudest noise in the corridor was the quick, insistent beating of her own heart. Calm down, she told herself. Someone is just trying to scare you. She tried to get control of herself and started to do the combination of her lock. But she stopped in mid turn. Had she
Throughout the conversation, Susan did not inform me that the home was still in First Look and not open to investors at this time. Susan did not highlight any features of the home, nor did she talk about the neighborhood or the surrounding area. When asked, Susan paused to reference the property file and stated, "In looking at the pictures it appears that it needs interior paint, carpet, appliances, and a few windows, which the previous seller must have taken." She stated, "I don't know why they have to remove things from the homes." I asked, "Do you have offers?" She paused to check the property file and answered, "No offers." I asked, "Is the property behind the home farmland?" She paused to reference the property file and replied, "It appears
As we continued along the trail, we were stopped by a very steep hill. Hunter announced that we should dump some stuff from our wagon in order to get on top of the hill. I dump my a tired that I bought recently and a barrel with nothing in it. The trip up the hill was a pain. It took so long to get up the hill I almost fell asleep. My leg was sore and I thinking about giving up. Finally we made it to the top of the hill and we realized that we had to go down the hill. We decided to use our own ropes and slowly descend our wagon one by one. When we descend Curtis’s wagon, Curtis almost fell. He was able to caught himself before he fell down the hill. Well all went down the hill and as we were going down the hill, we saw a divine blue spring
"Would you two like to wake up the boys? We have to go visit Grandma and Grandpa today." Lisa
In Oklahoma, where there are bloody rumbles and serious crimes made here in this big city, but there is a tiny sixteen year old boy living in the middle of it all, and that was me, Johnny. The Greaser was like a second home for each other. They were rough, old fashion, and have been In rumbles where breaking your arm wasn’t a serious injury, but they help another out. I, in the other hand, was not like them. They say that heroes need a dark past in order to be stronger in the comics I read, but that didn’t happen to me. I was abused by my own parents and I got jumped by those rich Socs. They left scars and pain for me, I felt like I’ve gotten weaker after this, not stronger.
I want to place my hand on my heart, with a believe that it will start believing people again.trusting those who caused a mistrust between my heart and soul.
I think that is an excellent thought, Lindsey. When I first read this that is what I thought as well. Whenever Ada begins to let Susan love her, and whenever Susan starts to show more affection Ada lashes out. I think that Ada lashes out because she feels like she is not deserving of love, and she is not deserving of nice things. This just tears me up inside when a person does not feel like they are worth being loved. The amount of damage that Ada has suffered is almost irreversible now and I think Susan is starting to realize that this will not be an easy fix. I am honestly surprised at how normal Jamie is because even though he was not the one who was abused, he witnessed the abuse. I am glad that he has not lost his trust in people. This
People say that I’m too young to have problems in my life but they don’t know that even though I’m only sixteen years old, life forced me to become a mature person at a young age. I see things differently than most teenagers, which means that it’s harder for me to fit in. I’m not good at making friends, I’m very selective but I like to help people if they need me. My crucible started since I came to the United States when I was twelve, and after that my life has been so different.
“I think I just need to sleep on it. Good night.” I didn’t sleep the rest of the night. I laid in bed tossing and turning,
The stone was cold and I could feel the pain swelling up inside. I took a step towards the edge, I thought to myself, “One more step and the worries would end…” if only it was that easy.
Turning on the tv she was surprised to see on the news that an avenged murderer was on the loose. The lady on the news said it's best if people secure all windows and doors as a safety hazard. With the dog by her side, the young girl locked the front and back doors. She went from window to window and locked each of them one by one. She kept reassuring herself that she would be fine with her trusty dog and that her parents would be home shortly anyways. So Lily had a pleasant, peaceful evening, and finally decided around eleven o'clock that it was time for her to go to bed.