I have never looked up information about the day I was born, but The Day newspaper and my family supplied plenty of interesting information. I was born on December 24, 1997, in Phoenix, Arizona. I moved to Kentucky in 2000; therefore, I was too young to remember living there. Some people think that being a Christmas Eve baby is cool. Except they don’t understand what it’s like when your family members combine your birthday and Christmas presents together.
When I looked at The Day newspaper I was astonished. On the second page, there is a photo of Donald Trump sitting on one of the two Kennedy’s rocking chairs during a press interview. It is ironic because he is now running for U.S. President. One major event that happened on my birthday was
At our previous class period, we had to go through a practice interview. I am happy and thankful that I did go through some interviews before in my life so I thought it was going to be a breeze, but I was mistakened. What I did noticed was this, “You will never know what you're going to be expecting at an interview.”
“Everyone needs a stretch class,” Mr. Brett Bowers, Homestead High School principal exclaimed. When mid-January comes around at Homestead, Mr. Bowers says this to every student as they are preparing to register for class for the following year. I took my high school principal's advice to heart when I started my college search; Northwestern is my school, a school that will challenge me to be not only the best student possible but also the best person. The Medill School of Journalism has been one of my dreams ever since I started my journalism adventure three years ago, and my desire to be a student at Medill has only grown since I started my quest to find my place in the high education world. One particular aspect of Medill that peaks my interest
Monday- For my workout I did back and biceps. I started warming up by down 4 sets of pull ups ranging from 10 to 15 reps. Next, I did 4 sets of dumbbell rows followed by 5 sets of lat pull downs. I then did 4 different exercises for biceps which were dumbbell curls, barbell curls, and preacher curl and then finished with the curl machine. I did 4 sets of each exercise. For my breakfast I ate a croissant egg and ham sandwich. For lunch I had my protein shake with a banana and peanuts. For my dinner I had rice, cottage cheese and a chicken quesadilla.
It's been a very busy summer so far. At the end of July, we returned from 23 days in Germany and Scotland.
As I am riding in my husbands 2008 chevy cobalt I realize, this is exactly how I envisioned the perfect day. A soft gentle breeze wafting the sweet scent of jasmine over me, the sun radiating against my skin. The sky is clear as cleaned crystal and bubblegum blue. I settle back on the warm leather seat of the car and embrace the feeling. I am totally immersed.
It is a somewhat unspoken agreement that people all have, and breaking this agreement is frowned upon. The bathroom is a very unsocial place. You go do your business and then leave, it is very simple. The social norm that I broke was talking to someone in the stall next to me, and continuing to have a conversation even when it was clear they did not want to have one.
In 2012, I awaken with a business idea that I was sure would be the next best concept, the next Starbucks for college students across the country. My dream was built around cereal, this pastime concept that every kid and adult grew up enjoying. Until this day, I love waking up to a bowl of cereal rather cold or hot. My beliefs are with the amount of work and lack of time many of use have today to actually enjoy a full course breakfast. The creation of The Daily LLC would be a success by giving us all time back in our daily lives, while enjoying such pastime while also completing our work, studies, and relaxing in a nice settled environment. Please allow me to take you on a tour of my dreams.
Somebody talk me about the journal. Before, I didn’t know why this mean, when I grow up. My big sister advised me that each other’s people may have his journal (everyone). This is a little book where you protect all your important privacy. Also, because I communicate, share whatever I want, I think that many people use this book as like as second life.
“I will allow you to go to over Mackenzie’s sleepover as long as you promise to watch PG-13 or younger”, my mom yell up the base of the stairs from the kitchen.
According to Kottler, Zehm and Kotler (2005), teachers should "spend considerable time and effort building positive relationships with children, allowing their authenticity, genuiness, and caring to shine through. This statement drives what I'd like to be said about me at my retirement dinner. I want my students to say that I was a human being willing to relate my experiences to theirs and that I was their biggest motivator.
Growing up in a family of six, there was never a shortage of people to read to me, the only shortage that existed was my ability to understand and appreciate the story in front of me. I was always on the move and the sedentary act of reading a book never appealed to my childish motives. Coupling my inability to hear well and my stagnant progress in school, I was quickly falling behind. With most of my childhood dedicated to the fantastical world I had created, I had no time to listen to someone else’s story. I would not continue on this way though, for my mom, noticing my lack of literacy skills, made it her effort to divulge in me the wonders of someone else’s world, each world becoming a part of my own.
Music has always been emotionally evocative to me since I was young. I am always able to recall just how extreme the atmosphere and mood can be enhanced by music. Whether at a bitter-sweet moment in a TV show or at a heroic moment in a video game music is always there to multiply the emotions of the scene tenfold. Even today I find myself recalling emotions and feeling them all over again whenever I listen to a particular piece of music, especially so for ones that went along with a highly memorable scene in a show or game. I wind up pumping my fist in the air all over again if inspiring, or fighting back tears if morose. I never knew why music affected me so or how, and so after learning of this assignment I decided it was time I looked into it. Why this story matters is simple. It is simply the reason I ever asked this question. I wanted to know why music could affect emotions to such an extent, and why it could leave such lasting impacts.
That day will remain etched vividly in my mind forever. It was a hot and humid day. We were playing up that weekend and our first game was on field four against the dominant pleasant hill billies. On the ride there my dad gave me a wonderful pep talk, he told me to not to screw up and that he wasn't going to let me play if I didn't do well, it wasn't anything new so I didn't let it affect me too much.
Jordan woke up Monday morning telling herself this will not be a boring day. She was going to make an impact on someone. “Ding ding ding!” her alarm clock yelled. “Another day, but today is an extraordinary day!” she yelled with joy. She got up from her bed wearing only sweatpants and a tank top and she wandered to her computer to check her email, like she does every day. She looked at all of her 24 boring emails; bills, emails from work, and more bills. She hated it. But at the end of the row of usual emails, one caught her blue eye, and without hesitating she clicked on it. The mysterious email was from the White House! “WHAT?!” “Drew! Come here!” she yelled to her husband. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “I just got a random email from the White House saying that they want me to fly to Washington D.C and have a meeting with the president!” Jordan said with enthusiasm. “It must be fake” Drew said with a smirk. “No, they’re paying for everything, my ticket, a hotel room, everything”. She said smiling with her jaw wide open about to touch the ground. In 7 hours, she would be meeting the president.
I had to ask my parents what they remembered about my birthday first. They are, of course, a reliable source of information as to what happened within my own family during the week of my birth. They did forget a lot of details other than my birth, so what they recounted was essentially that my mother just had to stay in the hospital a while longer, since it was her first birth.