
Personal Narrative-The Last Human

Decent Essays

The Last Human
“BOOM!!” The International Space Station (ISS) shook. My face plummeted against the ice-cold window. In pain, I looked down at earth and it was glowing blood red. Suddenly, the lights began turning off, one by one. First in America, then Australia, then Japan, then Canada, and progressed to what seemed like a global power outage. Then, nuclear bombs started going off, mushroom clouds popped around the globe. Antarctica turned grey. The world was in disaster and it looked like the earth had turned to stone. Literally, everything, including the water had turned to a grey piece of granite.
Fred floated by me, he whizzed past, urging me to go to the lounge room. We were greeted by Martha and Dave. “Hello,” I mumbled. “We need to check the security cameras!” Shouted Fred. The security cameras turned to Miami, revealing a horrific, ashen sight. People were frozen, their expressions solidified. It …show more content…

I had no energy left. By this time, we all knew that nothing in the solar system could help us. A few days later, I was staring motionlessly at Fred’s body. He had caught a severe cold and with no medication left, he had died in the night. Then it dawned on me, Dave and I were the last humans left to our knowledge in the entire universe. The next day, Dave and I ate our last rations, the taste lingered in my mouth, wishing I could eat more food. The week after, we ran out of water. Dave became insane, he floated around in circles screaming. Around noon, I found Dave still, with an empty bottle of nitroglycerine tablets hanging from his arm. I ran over, weeping over his body, begging for him to wake up, praying that this was just a bad dream. Dave’s body just lay there. He was dead. I realized that I was the last human

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