
Personal Narrative: Trout Lake Camps

Good Essays

Hannah is a twenty year old girl from Egan. For the past 3 years she has spent her summers at a bible camp up north called Trout Lake Camps. The first time Hannah stepped foot at the camp she didn’t want to go. She spent the school year there working in the office. But now the thought of not stepping foot there makes her think about all the good times and bad times she had. From sleeping in chapel or getting stuck in a canoe, she can’t help but be thankful for being forced to go there.
You know growing up I never had a “fairytale” childhood. My parents fought, my sisters and I didn’t get along. Yes, I know that we had good times. I am aware of that. But it just got really hard some days. And that is what threw me into a funk. Then when I …show more content…

I had better opportunities come to me. Not saying that TLC wasn’t an amazing opportunity but I needed to get out of my comfort zone and try something new and exciting, which wasn’t Trout. Unfortunately I will not be at my home away from home this summer. Now your second question. Do I regret it? That’s like asking me after I get burned from being at the lake. “Do you regret going, Hannah?” Of course not. No, because at the time it felt right. It felt like the world was okay, I didn’t have the stress from my family or school or work. I just had me. And that is how I felt at camp. The only worry I had was who was going to wake me at 3 am because they needed to use the bathroom and couldn’t go alone. Or who was going to be the next camper to end up in the health lodge for some stupid reason or another, like scraping their knee or “I don’t feel good” when really they just didn’t want to do cabin activities that involve physical activity. I don’t think I will ever regret going out of my comfort zone and going to Trout. I remember the first time canoeing there I got stuck because I picked the smallest canoe. The friends that I met is something that I will miss. I remember I was having a really bad night, my mom was going in for cancer testing, we didn’t know what was going to happen. I was all the way up north away from her, I couldn’t sit with her and tell her it was okay, I couldn’t be with my mom. Because of this I

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