The agency I volunteered to work at was the Graffiti Church Ministries After-School Program on 205 E 7th St. During the school week, usually Mondays, I would take the train to this program and strive to make the kids’ days at least a little bit better. I would almost always arrive at 3:15 PM exactly and would first help the children with their homework. Helping the children was shockingly much more troublesome than anticipated. I would have to explain exceptionally basic concepts to someone who knew next to nothing about it. I remember distinctively helping a kid, Jamel, with his homework and it proved extremely difficult for me to explain the concept of time to a first grader. I attempted to clarify that a quarter, as far as time, is commensurate …show more content…
St. Francis, for example, was a party animal and a rich man who had everything, yet he gave it all away to help others and now he is praised as a Saint. Christian service is similar to this but on a much smaller scale, We try to help others in any way we can to further ourselves as people and see the world through the eyes of someone who may be less fortunate than us students at Xavier. A normal day consisted of helping with homework, followed by playing games with the kids. The kids and I had a go to game: UNO. I was very familiar with UNO and I was aware of the rules and how to play, however, the kids seemed to play by different rules. The children would try to play multiple cards of different colors and say it was perfectly legal, but when another kid did the same, a shouting match began where the winner had to shout cheater louder than the other kid. Also, when I would get close to winning, a kid Owen, would always make up a rule and say I broke it; the penalty for this broken rule was drawing ten more cards. Besides the shouting and unfair rules and the fact that whenever I might win, I would be forced to draw ten cards, I enjoyed playing UNO every
Christian service is the service of a Christian, it is the action of helping and doing work for other people in the character of a servant. Which also can be understood serving other people willingly and cheerfully with all your spirit and soul. Christian service includes practical involvement in poor countries and help people who is suffering.
During my field experience, I have had the opportunity to be part of the CSI club, been on duty for lunch and helped out in SSR buddy! All of these different opportunities have given me moments of joy, uncomfortableness, and a sense of purpose!
I volunteered at Masonic Homes of California which is a senior living community. When I first started to volunteer I actually thought that my whole time would be spent just making copies and doing small miscellaneous tasks in the office; however, I was wrong to believe that. I did not just spend my time making copies, I got to do different tasks which made the time pass. By volunteering here I was able to meet new colleagues and I was able to network. The most important thing that I learned from my internship that I can use in daily life is to make sure that I get relevant experience in all fields that I am interested in pursuing. Without the experience it would be hard for me to accomplish what I am aiming for. The main connection I could say that I made is that I was able to realize
We Three Kings Daycare was the venue in which I chose to complete my field work. Luckily for me, my mom is one of the employees and so gaining access, setting up a theme, date, and time was one of the easier aspects of this project. The group, my mom, is typically responsible for ranges from 8-11 children ages six through eight. Due to the slightly older age group I was working with. I forego beginning with a song partly because I could not find anything relatable to my theme, and also because I planned on doing my story time after they had come in from playing outside. I figured outdoor play would be enough exertion to keep the jitters at bay. Gathering everyone in a circle, I introduced myself and had everyone go around and tell me their
My hands-on volunteer work with A Broader View Volunteers has left the greatest impression on my view of healthcare. Throughout my three-week stay, I worked in local clinics and hospitals in La Ceiba, Honduras. In Honduras, the quality of and the access to health care and education are directly linked to income and the limited support from the government. Several of my patients were continuously treated for diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels. I was frustrated and wished that I had time to educate patients about preventative care measures and disseminate the importance of a healthy lifestyle, such as eating right and exercising. As a child, I too did not always have access to sufficient healthcare due to my single mother’s financial situation at the time, and we were often without insurance. I remember times when we would skip follow-up appointments and purchase
This week in field was interesting as I experienced a situation I am certain will re-appear after entering the work field. On Monday my field supervisor and I received a phone call from a mother who had been physically abused by her boyfriend. The mother was emotional and admitted to having scares and bruises. Before the client was able to explain the situation, my supervisor informed the client I would be listening to the conversation; receiving consent from the client before allowing me to sit in on the conversation. After receiving consent, my supervisor went on to ask questions in regards about the mother’s safety and her children’s. The questions she asked were, “Is the boyfriend still in the home?” “Were the children around when the abuse
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Almost every job requires steady focus to get your work done. If you're a copywriter, you have a deadline to meet whether or not you're "in the mood" to write the salesletter. If you're an accountant, you have to make sure all the numbers balance. It doesn't matter if you just had a messy break-up with your significant other. It just has to get done.
I worked by myself for the most part, and was given tasks by either Tom Kelly or Eric Dykeman. I was given access to everything that Tom would tell me to do, and that includes seeing billing info, and on the bills I would you tell the company how much they owe the Chamber in dues, I also was to see why they left and complaints that they had. With Eric I would be given tasks like making schedules, finding people to contact for meeting, and to organize how the meeting was going to plan out. Almost every day was different, and there was always something to get done or to visit. I traveled with Eric a lot to the town of Braintree where there would be meeting, and I also traveled to see where they are trying to build more infrastructure. I would
When I first started doing my field experience last semester, I thought it was going to be easy dealing with children for a couple of hours a day. I was wrong though. Dealing with children who just got out of school, and who have been there for eight hours, was sometimes a handful. Last semester, it was difficult, but this semester was a little bit easier. My students were better, my availability to go was better, and it was a better experience this semester. These students showed me many more aspects that there is to teaching, and it was such a memorable experience being a tutor for two semesters.
Of all the aspects of my personality, the most distinguishing is my work ethic. This is best exemplified in the ways that I have risen to the top within the groups I have worked with and the projects I have worked on. The most recent example: I am currently working with a student committee at my high school to organize a “Career Day”. Although I came into the group on their second meeting, I am now the de facto leader as I have accepted the most responsibility and been key in communicating with administration to plan and schedule the event. When nobody will take on an assignment or when I feel an assignment is not being completed well enough, I step in, and that is what happened with my involvement on this project. For another example, I went
As I stare at the crowd a sense of sorrow and fulfillment fill my body. While these two feelings oppose each other they are the feelings that arise when I volunteer to help others. Watching these people, many homeless, flocking to us for their first full meal in a couple of days. These people fight daily for a spot in the homeless shelter across the street and a warm meal. The feeling I receive from helping others is positively indescribable, and has provided me more perspective on life than any other activity I have participated in. Over the course of my high school career, I have been involved with three amazing volunteering organizations.
I used cooperating with others to stay physically and emotionally safe for example i was cooperating with my partner and telling him to slow down or if the rope was to lose tell me so i can speed up. But when we were getting started to climb my partner didn't know how to belay so i used cooperating with others and told him how to do it so me and im can be safe. When i used cooperating with others i knew it would of work because i knew that some time or some place that my partner would forget the installations or forget how to belay.
In a small village like Carey, Ohio, community means involvement in your area, caring for those around you, and sharing a second family. In Carey, we have several clubs and organizations to take part in, ranging from athletics, community service, and clubs that are purely about having fun and getting involved. While in high school I have been active in many of these beneficial programs. I am an active member in twelve programs we have here at Carey. These programs include band, Future Farmers of America (FFA), National Honor Society (NHS), student council, track and field, art club, spanish club, quiz bowl, musical, drama club, and the wrestling stats team. Being involved has opened so many doors for me and I have learned so much.
I believe you can achieve anything you want in life with hard work, dedication, and passion. There are many experiences I have gone through that have helped shaped who I am today. I may not have control over certain situations, but I have a choice on how it affects me.