
Personal Philosophy Of Early Childhood Education

Decent Essays

I believe that education is a unique experience for every student who enters a classroom. In order for children to benefit from what schools offer, I think that teachers must fully understand the importance of their job. As an early child educator I am preparing children for the world of learning. We are shaping the minds of our future. In order to have a high quality classroom I must provide a safe and nurturing environment which promotes physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. I believe that teachers need to show a love for literacy and be a highly skilled reader. An early childhood classroom should have a lot of exposure to many books. It is essential that children get exposed and learn a love for books at a young …show more content…

To be self regulated requires the child to show empathy towards others, getting along, sharing, taking turns, and how to communicate with others. Every child will have a difficult time now and then, sharing and getting along with others. They do not automatically do it. Behaving in a pro-social way takes time and practice to acquire those skills. One strategy I would use to help children see other points of views is by using puppets in the classroom. Also, asking questions when during story time, such as, “How do you think the girl feels?” “Does that make him or her happy or sad?” The children can learn from the adults in the classroom. It’s very important that we are good role models for them. Children need to learn pro-social skills in order to have healthy friendships. Learning these skills early is essential for healthy social/emotional …show more content…

The choices they make throughout the school year will help them become self- disciplined, independent and respectful of themselves and others. This will be gained through the developmentally appropriate centers in the classroom. The materials will be open ended for them to explore. Children need and depend on guidance. They need a person there to help them along the way. I will identify limits which are appropriate and necessary. Also, making suggestions or directions in a positive form for the children will help. Positive reinforcement is a must. We must always look at the good from the child not the

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