
Personal Philosophy: Questions And Answers

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1. a. Honestly, most of my day consist of working, but after work I went on a hike with my friend to Castle Rock. Her and I did talk about life and our goals of our careers. It was a good place to talk about that becasue it involved nature and it cleared my head and made me feel healthier about myself and my body. b. I like to spend my imagination with hope because to me without my imagination I would not be where I am today. My imagination helps me move forward in life and helps me get away from the troubles of my personal life. When I was little, my imagination took me to dfferent careers. For example I would pretend to be a teacher, a doctor and a tattoo artist. c. My habits is jelousy and procrastination. My jelously takes me over, which is bad because in the work place it can really …show more content…

I learned that for me it is easy to look forward to my future and hope for the best. It may also be a bad thing for me becasue it gets my hopes up, but I would rather look positively to my future than not think about it at all. 3. ( I was not in class on friday, so I do not have the hand out with the quotes, so I tried to find one that was about hope by Denis Bissonnette) a. "I want every color, every life-affirming quality, on the palette with which I paint my life". b. I chose this quote becasue it spoke out to me. To me she is saying that we, the people, are the ones in control of our lifes. We can use all the resorses that we get handed to in life and use the best out of them and create the life that we hope for and thrive for. For me this means a lot becasue I constantly look forward to being on my own and making my own money and my own life and just being happy with my life with what ever I choose to do. c. I posted this quote on my mirror in my closet, because I always use my mirror and I know that when I use my mirror I will always read it. And if I read it constantly, even without contiously knowing it, the quote will ingrave in my

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