
Personal Reflection Essay - Original Writing Essay

Decent Essays

I will never forget the fall morning of my senior year of college when I was driving to school one day. I stared at the road as tears streamed down my face. I was questioning my whole existence, my purpose in life, and trying to comprehend why I felt so empty. There wasn’t a light at the end of the tunnel, I remember praying I would find it, but in the back of my mind I had no hope left. I arrived at Gustavus, wiped away my tears, and put on that mask we all put on at some point in our life. The mask we wear that says we’re okay but covers up our true feelings. There was only one person I knew I could talk to about these feelings. I went to the Dean of Students office to confide in a man named Steve Bennett. I will never forget our conversation that day, it was the first day that I felt like my feelings were validated. That was also the day where I began my journey to serenity. Steve is a Dean at Gustavus and he had been working with me on and off during my three years there, but especially in the past year. The past year had been filled with me coming to the end of my using days with drugs and alcohol. Yes, I am an alcoholic and a drug addict. At the time I was still struggling in active addiction. I completed an outpatient program the previous summer, but relapsed a few weeks after my senior year of school began. Due to Steve’s support, things started to go up hill. I was put on an anti-depressant medication and started seeing a therapist. I felt like I was a human

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