
Personal Reflection

Decent Essays

Through multiple changes in study habits, and better reading skills, I have improved my memory of the information presented in class and have done better on my most recent test compared to the other three. Not only has this class helped me learn better study methods for anatomy specifically, but, I have implemented these techniques within my other classes. In addition to figuring out what works best for me for lecture, I have also gained a new understanding from lab. Since Chadron is one of the only undergraduate schools to have a cadaver lab, I think it gives me a big advantage over other students at other colleges. It’s one thing to say you took anatomy and learned about the human body through coloring books and textbooks and diagrams, but, it’s another to say that you got to learn about the human anatomy through real bodies! Learning from the cadavers is completely different than learning from a model or a diagram. With the cadavers, you get to see the different layers of muscle, what the veins and arteries look like and how big they are. You also get to take a deeper look at a lot of things that only undergraduate students wish they could see. I will be honest though; the cadavers were extremely hard to learn from. It is hard to tell the difference between muscles and which is a vein or artery, especially if they are tucked away, but, this challenge has proved to be a great opportunity that most undergraduates don’t get. The other parts of lab also proved to be helpful.

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