
Personal Reflection

Decent Essays

When I first enrolled in the class, I didn’t know what was to be expected of me. I was scared the first time I logged onto the computer to see what the course entailed. Then, things changed and I was comfortable with my new lifestyle of doing work on the computer. I began by making myself a schedule with things that I wanted to accomplish each and every day. As I continued to do this and the end of the course started to become visible I started to grow more and more comfortable. I am happy with how everything has gone throughout this semester. I have learned a lot of things this year, as well as being refreshed with things that I obviously struggled with. This course developed me into a better writer; educated me on how to begin the …show more content…

All in all, this course really turned me into a better writer because of all the resources that I could take advantage of. The writing process can be very long and tiring, but it is the most crucial part when writing a paper. This is something that I have really realized throughout this course. To me the hardest part of the writing process is prewriting. I always struggle trying to figure out which topic I want to write about. However, it was different this semester. When we were in the prewriting stage everything was explained so clearly that it was easy for me to choose. From just brainstorming as many topics as we possibly could to actually making an outline, everything came easily to me. Ideas came to me faster than ever before. I used to always take a whole class period and struggle coming up with two to three topics, however, with the way that everything was described I came up with 20-25 topics in less than ten minutes. You provided us with many example topics, which also made everything easier. This course has changed my approach to the writing process for sure. I now know what is best for me as a writer. I really feel like I know what my strengths and my weakness are now. I had a feeling what they were, but after all of the writing we have done, I have a firm grasp on what they are now. I now know why the writing process is the most important part of the paper. If you were to tell me that we would be writing five papers with all different

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