
Personal Reflection

Good Essays

There is a quote from Claxton (1998), ‘If the roast potatoes are slow to brown, you can turn up the oven. But if you try to speed up the baking of meringues, they burn… The mind, too, works at different speeds.’ It stimulated the idea of the individualism of learning and thought, and how every person has a unique learning identity and approach. For the past three years, my learning has been predominately influenced by post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety. During my AS studies, my attendance in school dropped to 55%. Anxiety prevented me from taking part in: sleepovers, shopping and school trips, group work at school, birthday parties and holidays and as a result, it made me feel excluded from my peers, both academically and socially. However, throughout A-Level I received cognitive-behavioural therapy, which brought an understanding to my triggers. Mindfulness has also helped to alter my thought process and behaviour by teaching me how to zone out and put information into context. Despite the prevailing circumstances, it built upon my ability to reflect. Reflectiveness is part of the ‘Building learning power’ by Claxton (2002). Claxton proposed that there are four R’s of learning power: Resilience, Resourcefulness, Reflectiveness, and Reciprocity. Claxton summarises reflectiveness as ‘being ready, willing and able to become strategic about learning.’ This is present in my learning approach and as part of my learning identity. For instance, when planning the

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