There is a quote from Claxton (1998), ‘If the roast potatoes are slow to brown, you can turn up the oven. But if you try to speed up the baking of meringues, they burn… The mind, too, works at different speeds.’ It stimulated the idea of the individualism of learning and thought, and how every person has a unique learning identity and approach. For the past three years, my learning has been predominately influenced by post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety. During my AS studies, my attendance in school dropped to 55%. Anxiety prevented me from taking part in: sleepovers, shopping and school trips, group work at school, birthday parties and holidays and as a result, it made me feel excluded from my peers, both academically and socially. However, throughout A-Level I received cognitive-behavioural therapy, which brought an understanding to my triggers. Mindfulness has also helped to alter my thought process and behaviour by teaching me how to zone out and put information into context. Despite the prevailing circumstances, it built upon my ability to reflect. Reflectiveness is part of the ‘Building learning power’ by Claxton (2002). Claxton proposed that there are four R’s of learning power: Resilience, Resourcefulness, Reflectiveness, and Reciprocity. Claxton summarises reflectiveness as ‘being ready, willing and able to become strategic about learning.’ This is present in my learning approach and as part of my learning identity. For instance, when planning the
I recently read in the book ‘Skills for Success’ by Stella Cottrell, that you need to take responsibility for your own learning and recognise your own learning preferences. This is a valuable thing to pick up on as being able to recognise how you learn best can help you complete a task to your best ability, and taking responsibility for you own learning rather than replying on others shows what a resourceful worker you can be. After reading this I realised the best
As a result of the traumatic injuries which I sustained on December 4, 2014, while working as a police officer and on duty, I am unable to perform my duties as a police officer in a safe and effective manner, without jeopardizing the safety of myself, my coworkers, as well as the public’s, which I took an oath to serve and protect.
Introduction: Transitioning from high school to university is a big adjustment for many students. To help with this change, the book “Becoming a Master Student” provides students with concepts that can help them become more successful in their university career. This reflection will outline some of the articles that BMS has that enhances the student experiences not only academically, but also personally.
“Contributes to team goals in and out of meetings” –I rate my performance in this area with a “1”. Although I complete all the assigned tasks on time, I still need to work on advancing the team’s progress by “articulating merits of alternative ideas or proposals.” When working with team, I often feel pressured to deliver my suggestions and ideas because I am afraid that mine is impractical and not substantial compared to others’. In addition, in most cases, my ideas overlap with another team member’s, which further discourages me from sharing mine. From now to the end of this semester, I strive to contribute more of my ideas to the group. I will overcome my fear of expressing my thoughts and new suggestions by actively participating in weekly group discussions. I usually speak once or twice during discussions, but I will aim for a higher frequency and quality in my input. For example, not only I will offer my solutions to the group, but also I will ask questions about and express my thoughts on others’ solutions. Regarding meeting the assignments’ deadlines and producing quality work, I perform very well in that area. However, I must improve in assisting other team members to complete their assignments with “similar level of excellence.” I will use GroupMe to communicate with my team members regarding their progress on the assignments. I may check up on them once in the middle of the week and once near the deadline to make sure that every team member stays on track.
This week I participated in a individual class exercise for my communications class. The exercise was to find personality and identity traits about myself. First I will identify specific traits that were similar in three appraisals. Second I will discuss differences in appraisals. Finally, I will describe what accounts for differences and similarities, and what it illustrates about how well we know ourselves.
There are many expectations at my workplace, some are rather time consuming and slow-paced however, thus far I can say the duties in which I have performed are very enjoyable and insightful. One of my major duties is centered around me shadowing the various staff in the building. In one instance, I shadowed my supervisor, Peter Rego, during one of his physical assessments of a patient who was suffering from persistent shoulder and back pain and from that session alone I gained profound insight in regards to treating pain. Furthermore, in the better interest on my learning and to better grasp the concepts of Physiotherapy, another one of my duties includes reading and studying rehabilitation books. Some of these books include the “How to Treat Your:” series by Dr.McKenzie. These books are rather insightful and I find them to be helpful in terms of furthering my interest and understanding of the work of Physiotherapists. Moreover, reviewing and analyzing the documents of patients at the clinic is another one of the duties I was assigned with at my placement. This is an integral part of a Physiotherapist's job; despite the fact that it may be tedious, it is pivotal that Physiotherapists create, organize , examine specific documents in order to effectively develop rehabilitation plans for their patients.
Q1. There are a few different ways I learn and remember new things well: the first would be through physical or kinesthetic learning. Growing up I played a few different sports and loved being able to tangibly learn new skills and see the span of growth when I was able to push myself further athletically. Through those experiences I also learned how to collaborate and work with other people as a team, utilizing everyone’s strengths to accomplish goals. Another way I’ve been successful in learning has been through the combination of visual, aural, and verbal practice. In 2015 leading into 2016 I lived in Guatemala and spent much of my time trying to practice and learn Spanish. When I could hear, write, and visualize the effect of a word or phrase that helped me to retain and recall what I had learned.
Throughout the course of this past semester I have been able to learn many valuable things about myself, such as my work ethic, my time management skills, and my need to leave an impact upon the populations I surround myself with. In regards to my work ethic, I have realized that I will stop at nothing to make sure I achieve my goals, so to do this I complete all assignments and attempt extra credit in all areas where it is allowed, further I reach out to students and professors to ensure I understand the material in class. Further, my time management skills have improved drastically throughout this past semester, as I have been able to manage my class work and assignments while maintaining high performance in conjunction to balancing extracurricular and a job. In order to delve into impacting those around me, which I have realized is my ultimate goal, I have joined many student organizations that seek to improve student life on campus and to impact those who do not have the same advantages as I do—this is why I have joined clubs such as Undergraduate Student Government and Us United.
Interning with Dr. Bunn and John Manor was a wonderful experience which I was able to learn an exponential amount of information. It also gave me a great opportunity to put my foot in the door by meeting professors that I potentially could be working alongside with at the Physical Therapy school. I was able to work with the Campbell athletes and test them on the 3D optical motion capturing system and it gave me the opportunity to develop new hands on and organizational skills I have yet learned in my undergraduate experience. John was able to teach me surface anatomy and dynamometry skills that I will not learn until graduate school, this puts me at a great advantage when I continue my education in Physical Therapy school. I also learned how to operate the motion capturing system which was extremely challenging, this worked to my advantage because now I now hold a skill that very few undergraduate students have obtained. Lastly, I was able to study about capturing, tracking, processing, and analyzing data. By applying what I learned in Research Methods, I turned the statistics I collected and transformed it into a poster presentation. In November, I was able to present it at Campbell University’s Academic Symposium and I also plan on presenting it at multiple events in the future.
Today has been a very hectic day in which, I totaled my car. I began talking about this very true statement because there are many ups and downs to life no matter how much you prepare there is endless possibilities for things to not go as planned. Therefore, I understand why you would want some individuals to track their expenses for a little over a month and then go back and review the information. First, I chose to track my credit card expenses by my bank statement, of course, I remembered to write down each item because in your bank statement it does not disclose the item description. It just shows the summary or the place you purchased it. Another thing, I chose to track all cash expenses by putting a certain amount of money in my wallet and then seeing how much was in it at the start of the next week, which yielded great results because I rarely use cash. Second, we started collecting all data towards the middle of October and I would not say I learned an extreme amount, but I did learn some very hard taught lessons throughout the process. Truthfully, I was glad I was already taking the necessary steps in money management. Honestly, I also figured out how economic struggles can affect your schoolwork and build up harmful stress. Third, I feel the Excel chart that I use paint a better picture of the breakup of my spending as a comparable whole. The plain charts show you how much you spent, when you spent it, and how often you spent your money in one category compared to
My summer has been amazing! I came home from GHP two days ago, where I had some of the best weeks of my life. We talked about it so much beforehand, I thought you might want to hear how it went. GHP is a learning environment like no place else. I had the opportunity to meet so many welcoming people (my hallmates, classmates, RA, and teachers) who were so similar to me in character, but also brought a wealth of different experiences. I learned so much academically, but mostly about myself while in Rome.
Throughout the semester, the most significant learning outcome that I acquired the most knowledge of it, was to undertake a self-regulated project to address my own linguistic need by myself. I learned to focus on one specific project, that I believed that it could have been helpful for me to practice and improve my English writing. Since the start of the semester, I was always understanding well the instructions given to us for all our tasks, such as the Personal Project Design or Annotated Bibliography.
Throughout my rigorous academic career, I have written numerous pieces of literature from research papers, poems, academic essays, and even tweets. In my rhetorical analysis, I will be analyzing a college essay in which I submitted to Bowling Green, Xavier, Toledo, and Ohio University. The reason I selected this piece to analyze is because this essay played a crucial role in determining where I would go to college, and it also describes me as a person, and my love for the city of Cleveland.
I felt like I lost my identity. My goals and my endeavors all started when I wanted to become an orientation leader for UWB in 2016. Having passed the written and group interview phase. I had a goal to leave no student feel like they were excluded, I was ecstatic that I was able to showcase my commitment to new incoming students while providing genuine care. The day of my individual interview struck me, I nervously walked in that day with an unfortunate outbreak of eczema. Embarrassed, I looked away while talking, pouring my heart into my words but not using my brain. A few days later I got a letter saying I didn’t get the job. My inexperience, shyness and lack of confidence were like shackles around my feet, reminding me of how powerless I was. After many failed attempts to get a job due to my lack of experience, the stability of my life started deteriorating. In the winter of 2016 my girlfriend cheated on me,only to cheat again after I had forgiven her. Close family members passed away and friends ended their lives too short. I didn’t have anyone to talk about my problems with, and my parents still expected me to be the perfect student. overwhelmed with pressure, grief, disappointment, and anger, I skipped classes thinking that there was no point, causing my grades to plummet, and my motivations and self-interest to slip away.
At the starts, my first semester in college, I was not entirely sure what I was getting right into. I didn’t know what to expect and how should I act in this setting, but the main concern was in how difficult psychology should be for me as a student. I tend to not set goals for myself in anything and just go with the flow. I always want to break the mold since my usual routine is not something that I’ll be confident describing to anybody, so I must change it. I always want to better myself subconsciously, so I aimed to try and study by reading what I wrote down from each class period since reviewing seems to be the only method of studying I can manage. I am aware of the flash cards on the resources online, yet I don’t fully utilize it since I am slow at reading the textbook. My goal, I guess, is to not lose sleep at night over not knowing what I am learning by having a firm grasp on the chapter of interest. I have done an okay job so far by learning it the first time it is introduced since I don’t study well. I have met my goal in a sense, but something has got to change.