
Personal Statement: A Career As A Nurse

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Do you like helping people? I’ve always had a passion for helping people and being in the field of medicine at a young age. Being a nurse gives me a chance to potentially save a life. This profession will also help me become financially stable in my life and give me a chance to learn exciting new things. All of this will motivate me to achieve my goal of becoming the best nurse I can be. LPN also known as licensed practical nurse is the beginning of my nursing career. This would my basic training and practicing coming into the medical field. I would take care of a variety of people like sick, injured, convalescent, or disabled. It would be my most important year of nursing because it’s the year I would be making impression on my bosses. The …show more content…

The internships gives me hands on experience and I am able to ask any questions about nursing in general. Nursing internships can give you the skills that you can only learn through experience, such as time management and conflict resolution (5 Invaluable Benefits of Nursing Internships). The local hospital is possibly where I will be working after I graduate from school so knowing how they operate and the pace will also help me in the future. Getting to know the staff and doctors will give a good chance of making good mentors. An internship is usually administered by a hospital, where you will work alongside a particular nurse and learn the ropes(5 Invaluable Benefits of Nursing Internships). Being in the internship will be a good look on my resume for colleges that want a person with any past …show more content…

They make sure the patients are happy and healthy even if that means I have to work crazy hours throughout the weeks, it’s all about the patient's well-being at the end of the day.Although twelve-hour shifts usually start at 7 p.m. and end at 7 a.m., some start at 3 a.m.and end at 3 p.m (The Working Hours Of Hospital Staff Nurses And Patient Safety). On call is apart of the nursing life I want to experience it is when you're able to go home but as soon as your beeper goes off you have to go right back to work. It’s basically over time which means more money.Nurses working on specialized units such as surgery, dialysis, and intensive care are often required to be available to work extra hours (on call), in addition to working their regularly scheduled shifts(The Working Hours Of Hospital Staff Nurses And Patient Safety). You don’t receive a lot of breaks though, your only off time is lunch or when patients are sleepy or at some kind of therapy or dialysis. Stress is something nurses know very well. Stress is common in any job, I just have to learn how not to get overwhelmed or frustrated so easily. It’s a job that takes a lot of patience and understanding for what you patient and the patient’s family is going through. Nurses know stress. Emotionally draining work, long hours and staffing challenges can stress any nurse out over time, leading to job dissatisfaction and possible burnout(How to Cope with Stress

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