
Personal Statement Of Purpose: A Career As A Registered Nurse

Decent Essays

“What do I want to be” was never a question I pondered too deeply. The sudden death of my father to an unknown health condition and 5months thereafter, the tragic loss of my mother helped fostered a caring and compassionate spirit often alluded by many in describing my personality. I suppose this translated to why I find it easy and satisfying to help and serve others, most especially those in a medically vulnerable state. Thus, choosing a healthcare professional, specifically nursing was a natural fit for me. The ability to be able to care for patients and bring about a meaningful change in their life serves as an outlet for me. It makes me confident to think I could have nursed my parents back to good health if I was an adult or was in this career when they were sick. However, as a ten years old living in a developing nation with inadequate accessibility to healthcare services, I was limited in what I could have done. Today, however the story is different. My story is now defined by what I am doing and what I hope to do to better save and impact lives.

For the past 14 years serving as a health professional and currently as a registered nurse, there are many stories to tell of my patients’ healing, struggles and hope. Situations that has called me to serve not only as a care provider, …show more content…

After I graduate as a FNP, I look forward to provide a range of acute, chronic and preventive medical care services for all ages and to address a spectrum of disease entity. Furthermore, I will like to contribute my skills in the events of medical emergency relief and subsequently in developing nations. My longer-term goals would be to attain my doctorate, teach and impart knowledge to upcoming nurses and/or healthcare professions and to help establish health institutions in areas where medical services are limited and/or

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