
Personal Statement For Dentistry

Decent Essays

I have been exposed to dentistry all my life due to both of my parents being trained as Dental practitioners and owning their own dental practice. As a result I was often in the practice on work days and was fascinated by the different procedures that were done as well as how small procedures done by a dentist can improve a person’s quality of life. At a young age this was especially profound to me and I witnessed first-hand the close relationship that forms between a Dentist and their patients over the course of treatment. This is one reason why I prefer Dentistry over the more popular choice of medicine as it is harder to form a personal relationship with patients due to most patients being passed along a chain of doctors. This is one of the reasons I enjoyed my involvement with the group Disability Snow sport UK which helps disabled people enjoy ski lessons. I joined due to my love of skiing and found that I found great satisfaction in the relationships that formed with the people taking the classes. The variety of people from different backgrounds and with different disabilities meant I had to learn how to act around each individual person and greatly improved my people skills as well as how to deal with disabled people and I attended numerous lectures on the subjects of different disabilities, their causes and how to deal with the people involved which greatly improved my understanding and knowledge in this area.
For me dentistry is also a career that allows endless

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