
Personal Statement For Masters In Architecture

Decent Essays

Statement of purpose: Masters in Landscape Architecture “There are three forms of visual art: Painting is art to look at, sculpture is art you can walk around, and architecture is art you can walk through”— Dan Rice, American entertainer. People can explain architecture in various ways. But I would like to interpret it as the combination of art & science or the expression of human creative skills. From my childhood I have had a fascination in paintings, sketching or something creative.Mostly, I loved to visualize spaces, people activities & presented the imagination through the brush strokes & colors. From that vibe I intend on pursuing such a field of graduation which can be a broader canvas of art related to the society, people & environment. From the core of my heart, I feel “Architecture” as the best option which can fulfill my dream, reflect my emotion & thoughts. My under graduation from Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology has provided me with a strong & comprehensive background in architecture. When I started exploring it in the depth of the field, I figured out my intensive interests & dedication in “Landscape Architecture”! “Landscaping”- …show more content…

I was honored “University merit award” by Ex-student association 2015 of Chittagong University of engineering & technology for the outstanding Academic performance. In addition to my academic activities, I participated in many extra-curricular activities. I received awards from national & international painting & poster contests specifically: “Global rivers environmental education network–Bangladesh” organized on the occasion of last anniversary of Mount Kuju expedition of Fukuoka, Japan, international poster context by UNFPA; Art competition on International Mother Language Day by Bangladesh national commission for Unesco , Ministry of Environment and Forest, Ministry of health, Government of the people’s republic of Bangladesh

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