
Personal Statement : Manager And Leader

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Manager and Leader During my personal life, I have had more disappointments and let downs from people in authority over me than I would like to admit. Theoretically, they had the managerial concept, but the leadership quality was lacking. A majority of my experiences were fearful driven by overpowering bosses that instilled, do it or lose your job, and that everyone is replaceable. Until ten years ago, I assumed all bosses treated their employees this way. However, I had a career change abruptly; it was at that time, I met a man that would change my perspective on bosses, my career direction, and the way that I myself lead others today. Sam Allen was the Human Resources Manager at a factory where I became a temporary employee, then became …show more content…

Doing my job one day and I apparently offended a few employees, Sam quickly pulled me into his office, of course, I assumed I was in trouble and by all rights; he could have ended my assignment. However, instead he took two hours of his time just to talk to me about where I came from, my family, what I wanted in life, my children, and he led into how he could help me become less abrasive with my demands of the employees. He told me that if I looked at this role as an opportunity to serve the people here, and show them how much you care about them, they would, in turn, comply with my requests with little to no effort. According to Owen and Hekman (2012), humble leaders were described as those who provided honest substantive compliments, and they genuinely appreciated the contributions of others. In retrospect, I did not know what to think, first, no manager had ever taken the time to even ask me where I was from or bothered to know my children 's names. At that moment, I knew this man was different. Every morning we had a conversation, in which we shared ideas. He had been in the Human Resources field for over forty years, yet he was so humble he went into detail about the mistakes he had made throughout his career, lessons learned and although he did not talk about his strengths, they had become evident to me without him ever boasting about them. Although I made several mistakes

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