
Personal Statement : My Leadership

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In terms of my leadership, I think I grew much more confident and strict as a leader. When I started, I remember thinking that all my residents would be wonderful and would listen to their RA, because I always did so everyone else would too. That was clearly not the case, especially when it came to quiet hours. Confrontations are frightening to me because I have had bad experiences in the past. But as an RA, it is part of what I need to do. Once residents started complaining about one another, I realized warnings were not sufficient. So I started documenting residents who were loud during quiet hours. I also grew as a confident leader through my trivia week. I remember feeling really nervous to knock on everyone 's door to do trivia. I am …show more content…

We as a society need to teach everyone what microaggressions are and how they are impacting people. And this can be done as an RA through bulletin boards or active programs. Through the discussion of microaggressions, I have developed a more sensitive ear around campus and especially in my residence hall. Now that I know the impact of phrases such as ‘that is so gay’ I no longer can simply sit there and say nothing. I feel the need to react to the speaker and call them out. As a mid year RA hire, what would have helped me in the RA class would have been a class that tailored to our needs as a mid year hire. For example, we talked about the theory of involvement and the first six weeks as if that was going on in our communities. None of my residents were new students that semester and therefore the first six weeks of college did not apply to them. And while the involvement aspect is more relevant because people can always join another club, most of my residents stuck with what they were already doing. Instead, I wish we talked more about how to assimilate with a staff that had already bonded. I knew most of the staff when I joined which helped, but it would have been nice to form closer bonds that they all had with each other. Also, I really wish the Spring class went over how to motivate residents to stay involved on the floor as the semester went along. When I did my first couple of programs in January and February, I had a huge turnout each time. Yet in

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