
Personal Statement: My Love For Computer Engineering And Mechanical Engineering

Decent Essays

Growing up, I have always had a love for computers. I always wanted to do something on a computer, be it typing or even playing a game. Once it was on a computer, I was happy about it. Unfortunately, I hadn’t thought of pursuing that love into a career because I was blinded by other fields I thought I was also interested in. As a result, when I was applying for my university education, I was blinded by the field of Civil Engineering but because my university didn’t offer it, I chose Mechanical Engineering because I felt it was the closest field to it. However, after my first year of school, I had a C+ in my Physics course while I had an A in my Python class. I made no thought about it but I felt that Mechanical engineering wasn’t the field for me. After a long period of thinking and reflecting, I switched to Computer Engineering because at the moment, I felt it was relatively easier compared to the other engineering disciplines my school offered, ie. Mechanical and Electrical. I felt …show more content…

Girls were assumed to be weak while the boys were attributed to being the stronger ones. On the influx of education, parents felt boys will be more capable to do school work because they do the supposedly harder work. So only male children were sent to school with the girls remaining in the kitchen and also doing housework. Unfortunately, this mentality that boys were better, instilled by our forefathers, discouraged girls from taking up courses like Math and Science because they felt they wouldn’t be good at it. The few women who have been able to break the status quo and venture into the field are few and are mostly not available to mentor younger females to go into it. So there are a whole lot of other females who don’t know the world of computer science or engineering and all the various opportunities it

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