
Personal Statement Of Becoming A Dentist

Satisfactory Essays

Growing up I’ve always been interested in the health field. I think it’s amazing to be the person responsible for making others feel better. I decided to become a dentist when I saw my sister's confidence just boost to the sky after getting her teeth repaired. After seeing how happy my sister was with her healthy beautiful teeth, I realized what a huge impact her dentist left on her. I want to make others feel healthy and confident and decided to work as hard as I can to become a dentist.
I graduated from the University of Michigan with a bachelor’s degree of biology. Throughout my 4 years of college I did a lot of volunteering in the community. I shadowed a couple of dentists which prepared me for dental school. I also went on a mission trip to Hondurus and had the opportunity to assit a dentist. During my trip I got to see a lot of different cases and witness several interesting operations.
My first language is Arabic which gives me an advantage in the Detroit area due to the increases in the Middle Eastern population in that area. Since I’m from a different culture, I’m really good with understanding and working with diverse people from different cultures. As a part time job I used to babysit and tutor middle to high school student. So I’m really patient and good with kids.
I believe in providing the best care to all patients without any type of discrimination. I believe as dentist it’s not enough to just treat patient’s teeth. It’s also very important to build a

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