
Personal Statement On Origin Family

Decent Essays

The purpose of my paper is to identify my of origin family. I will be doing a cultural autobiography. I will be addressing my families overall background for previous generations into the present generation. Furthermore, I also will be discussing the factors that contributed to the overall attitudes towards my family origin. In my paper, I will target three areas this week, which is gender, socio economic, and spirituality. When I was younger, my mother always preached to her children the importance of knowing our family heritage. Coming from a family who is Cuban the dynamics centered on hanging with our families on reunions and being at weddings and our cousin’s birthday. This reason is why my mother felt …show more content…

My mother did not stick to the traditional Cuban ways in the family. I know that my mother preached to my brothers that there job is to provide and protect and nourish their families when, they got older and till this day they abide by these principles. This statements stemmed from my mother’s father because, even though he made significantly less than my grandmother, he made sure to pay all the bills and her money was strictly her money. Another goal was my mother’s mom believed that the woman needs to nurture their children because, my grandmother did not believe in society raising her children. This example, is why my mother held of getting her careers started because she wanted to make sure that her children were top priority in their childhood and early adolescents. Even though my sister and I are grow women my mother preached to my sister and myself to be there for our children. This behavior ties in with the roles that a Cuban woman that fulfill in her life. Additionally there are certain ways that my brother’s dealt with punishment that me and my sister did not have to deal with punishment. For example, there were times that I felt like my mother was harder on my sister and myself than she is harder on the boys. This previous sentence, is sometimes why my mother and myself, would get into a disagreement because I felt like it not fair treatment. As a

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