
Personal Testimony : My View Of God

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Personal Testimony Growing up in a Christian home and going to a private Christian school defiantly shaped my view of God and salvation. When I made by faith my own, things started to change, along with my heart. During a dark time in my life, sin had a pretty good grip on my heart and my mind. I thought that I didn't matter and that negative thought spread throughout my life and made me depressed. But God has shown me over time, that I am loved, wanted, and that I have a purpose. It isn't just me who has a purpose, but every single person on the planet has a specific purpose God created for their life. This mindset helped my crawl out of the hole of darkness and step into the light of figuring out what the purpose was. One night at Hume Lake, I was listening to a speaker who’s words impacted me so much that I changed the way I lived. Satan was really good at getting into my head and whispering thoughts of doubt into my mind. I went from being a Christian who was confident to being a doubtful Christian who doubted her purpose in life. I debated whether or not my purpose had passed and if I should even continue to live if that purpose had already been fulfilled. This was heavy on my heart and I started to cause physical harm to my body. But that night at Hume Lake changed everything. The speaker asked if we had something we should give to God, we should do it right then. Obviously, I came to the camp still struggling with the darkness. I gave my self harm to God, trusting

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