
Personal Values Analysis

Decent Essays

Over the course of time, I realized I had some important values in regards to people. I discovered that I wanted to make a difference in the lives of others surrounding me. I have always had a passion for empowering my youth and helping them make better life decisions for themselves. I understand the value of every human life and I respect their backgrounds being that we all are not the same. I was always willing to put aside my beliefs and differences in order to serve others. I always hope that people make the right decision and I usually try to help them with that. However, they have the right to self-determination and it is important that I support the choice they have made. It was then when I realized I valued dignity and worth of every …show more content…

That population was the at-risk youth in Chicago. This is when I realized my values and how it can be used within the population. When I did research, I discovered Youth Outreach Services (YOS) which is considered one of the best practices for at-risk youth living in Chicago. I can use all of my values to bring the vulnerable population to this agency. This agency will help provide them with the services they need. Some issues this population face is not enough people valuing them and believing in their success. In fact, the people that are surrounded by them do not have an influence on them to be great. They are accustomed to living in poverty and being a part of the violence in their community. The values and beliefs I have will help me in my profession. I will always have the desire to help others and I will do what is needed to fulfill the needs of other people. As long as I am a social work, I will provide the best service to others. The clients that I come in contact with will always have a different background or beliefs from me. That is when social justice and respect takes place. I must respect the lifestyle of my client and take the necessary action needed to provide guidance to my client. I should focus on what is important to the clients and what is necessary to help them obtain a better

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