Profoundly, personal values are crucial in managing stress and a foundation that guides our decision-making process (Manning, Curtis, McMillen & Attenweiler, 2011). Skeptically, I completed the values assessment and was quite surprised at the results. Categorically, I scored the highest in the social value system, stating the highest value for this type of person is love. Furthermore, it states that a person that scored high in this area is humanistic by nature, kind, sympathetic, and helpful towards others. Absolutely, this describes me and I was quite surprised to read that a person that scores high in the social area may work at a human services agency (Manning et al., 2011). While I do not work at a human service agency, I am in the Human
According to the textbook for this week’s chapter, before human service professionals can deliver services to their clients, it is very import for them to be aware of their own values and how their values can influence relationship with their co-workers and their client. (Woodside, McClam, 2012)
A personality assessment is the measurement of personal characteristics ("personality assessment | psychology"). Personality tests provide measures of characteristics like, feelings and emotional states, preoccupations, temperament, interests, motivations, attitudes, and approaches to interpersonal relations. A personality is a complex pattern of characteristics that are relatively stable over time and that uniquely distinguish the emotional reactions and behaviors of one individual from others (PowerPoint). Personality assessments assist counselors in understanding the behavior of a particular individual, coming to a conclusion about a possible future course of action for the patient, and making predictions about a person’s unique future behavior. There are several instances in which a personality assessment might be used. A career counselor might give an inventory in order to help a person choose a career. A psychologist may want to look at symptoms to possibly diagnose a psychological disorder, so they will administer a personality assessment. A neurophysiologist might administer this type of assessment to determine the extent of possible brain injury. There are a number of different methods in which personality assessments are administered. Some methods include, behavior observation, and interviews. The most common methods are objective tests, and
Based on this theory, values direct our behavior in specific directions and toward particular goals. Brown explained that work values have been identified as critical variables in the career development process (Brown, 2012). He further explained that values are beliefs that are experienced by the individual as standards that guide how he or she should function; they are cognitive structures, but they also have behavioral and affective dimensions. This theory adopted the idea of Rokeach that values develop so that individuals meet their needs in socially acceptable ways which accordingly shaped by the cultural context of the individual. Individual’s values are basis of their self – assessment and others, and they play a major role in establishment of personal goals (Brown, 2012). These concepts explain the impact of work values, or values in general, to the career development and career choice of an
Introspection is among one of the most difficult things that a person could ever be asked to do. I would like to think that I have a good heart and soul, but in reality I have never even thought about what my values are up until I was given this prompt. A few values that I consider important are as follows: loyalty, compassion, wisdom, and peace. I feel that these closely align with the social work values of service, dignity and worth of the person, and competence. (As listed in Social Work: Becoming a Change Agent pg. 472.)
Thank you for sharing your core value self-assessment. While I am reading your weaknesses and the other students in our class, I observed that we have similar flaws, including social responsibility. One of the obstacles in achieving social responsibility core value is a lack of time.
Every individual has their thoughts and beliefs on situation and consider their beliefs of what is right or wrong. It is influential to realize; everyone does not see things in a similar light. What I consider to be the standard, may not be the same as what others see as the standard; to summarize, a large amount of people’s values holds an importance and determine attitudes. However, when it come to my values; they are not strong enough to perceive other as wrong or condemn others because they do not feel the same. Our qualities framework is the thing that we depend on to settle on our choices in life and the qualities I have are not for others to use for their decisions or choices.
I love personality tests and through the years I have taken many. I took this test at school and got the debater, this would be the first for this personality to show, its usually the messenger/campaigner, along with the entertainer, logician, or mediator. I am odd I enjoy both people and solitude therefore depending on my situation I will have an extrovert personality and/or an Introvert personality, the TED talk you showed talks about Ambiverts, I will have to look into this. The DISC site reinforced the Ambivert theory with giving me a 50% Extroversion on the work values test. This paper is about teamwork so I took the team test as well, that gave me a
The results explain that according to my choices on the test, I value achievement the most and value support the least. I scored low on support, because I don’t like people helping me, due to the fact that I am a person who is more independant and prideful, than a person who is more dependent and extroverted. The results were considerably close to each other in terms of score. I do somewhat disagree with some of the results, due to the fact that I personally tend to value recognition more than relationships, but for the most part, I think the results (“Career Assessments”, 2017) were decently accurate on my perception of values on a job.
There are many personality measures, and each one offers its own unique insight into what makes you who you are. Personality assessments cover a lot of ground, but all aim is to identify a person strengths, weaknesses, temperament, and style of leadership. In my opinion, I do feel that personality tests are misleading because one can be caring, compassionate and humane without being talkative and sociable. Being sociable is simply a common, and trivial, interpretation of having people skills. But in a professional setting, people skills often mean listening, reflecting, and having sympathy. Likewise, one does not need to be talkative or outgoing. Having people skills, then, really has nothing to do with being introverted or extroverted. Though
Gatewood, Field, and Barrick (2011) assert that personality data can provide valid information for guiding selection decisions, as long as it is collected appropriately. Additionally, personality characteristics influence performance at work, specifically conscientiousness and emotional stability. These traits can greatly influence employee performance in various areas due to their connections to employee capability for hard work, persistence, and ability to manage stress. Managers also care greatly about the personality traits of potential applicants, sometimes even more than is warranted. While the predictive validity of personality traits has shown to be modest for job performance, it does exist. Furthermore, the authors assert that personality
During a peer assessment, there are several aspects of the written assignment considered while attempting to judge and comment on on a peers work. Is the work original? Does the author understand the assignment thoroughly and have their own ideas or thoughts on the subject? Are the mechanics of the paper clear enough to convey their thoughts on the assignment at hand?
The course Professional practice for engineers is the fundamental subject where we are encouraged to delve deeper into ourselves and explore from within: Who we are? What do we want?
Ethics are the specific standards of values that social workers must follow. They are the likeness of the values in the way they mirror principles. Charles Levy once said in a lecture that “social workers in a strategic position to affect others and their interest, what are value based aspirations affecting the conduct of people in general are, for social workers, enforceable imperatives.”
In this scene, Becky's personality has a close relation with Schwartz's value inventory: self -enhancement (achievement).According to Schwartz’s, the greater the challenge, the greater the sense of achievement. The example in the context of the drama is when the Becky’s boss wants to switch show to sports or talk shows. Her boss even discourages her so that she will not be able to achieve her aim. Despite all the negatives things that happened around her,she gone through all the hardships and finally she manage to achieve her goal and retain the
Teaching units are in place as a guide to teachers to the expectations of student development and learning. “The syllabus is designed to develop enjoyment of English and an appreciation of its value and role in learning.” (BOSTES, 2009) Within the 7-10 curriculum students are encouraged to engage with a range of texts that encompass broad uses of language and literature in many contexts from Shakespeare to children’s literature and advertisements. Students are examining these topics to “support the development and expression of a system of personal values based on students understanding of moral and ethical matters, and give expression to their hopes and ideals” (BOSTES, 2015) Year 7 content explores the representation of reality through fiction; topics such as adventures and friends and enemies remain broad regarding text selection which “allows for opening possibilities and allowing choice” (Sawyer, 2010, p. 21) a selection of resources range from film to novels with specifications for slow readers or advanced gifted and talented learners. The broad scope of texts and topics available within stage four allow teachers to assess the needs for student’s interests and development. Stage five topics are more refined and associated with learning levels topics surround texts more than texts surrounding topics, however texts like To Kill a Mockingbird and Macbeth or Romeo and Juliet allow students to examine clearly the place of morality and ethical behaviours within the contexts