The big five project personality test results are based on research to describe the five dimensions of human personality (big five). The five-big personality test is Open-Mindedness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Negative Emotionally (OCEAN). The OCEAN five personality test describe strengths and weaknesses that align with my personality. Thus the OCEAN results are based on percentile, the higher the percentile is considered strengths and the lower percentile represents weakness. My strengths are open-mindedness, conscientiousness, and extraversion. My weakness is agreeableness and negative emotions. The findings of my OCEAN test results below conclude: Open Mindedness: (76 percentile) You are relatively open to new experiences Conscientiousness: (Your percentile 95) You are very well-organized and can be relied upon Extraversion: (Your percentile 15) You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone Agreeableness: (Your percentile 74) You need to consider the feelings of others …show more content…
Sandy, Susan K. Boardman, and Moton Deutsch the defense mechanisms are pathological or ineffective if they evoke conditions that foster anxiety and produce a defensive reaction. One can set themselves up for failure if they allow their fear to take control. Fear and anxiety typically arise when one's security, self-perception, self-worth and social identity are threatened (405). The authors continue that environmental factors may influence a person’s defense mechanism. For instance, my results from the OCEAN test come from fixed circumstances. However, the Defense mechanism can change in the order of hierarchy as each conflict is new and presents different environmental and flight or flight triggers. Regardless the results from the big test and defense mechanisms are not transcendent entirely. The big test comes from my personality characteristics. However, defense mechanisms come from high and low percentile OCEAN
Psychoanalytical theory approach would not view human motivation as Maslow. The psychoanalytic theory place human motivation as an individual’s sexuality and aggression (McAdams, 2006). In psychoanalysis the person talks about they are experiencing with a therapist who
The Myers and Briggs Analysis is a series of questions that when answered are examined and grouped together in order to determine the personalities of those taking this test. This particular test can result in sixteen different outcomes or types of personalities, which is determined by four different categories that judge if you are introverted or extroverted, use your senses or your intuition, your choice to think or use your feelings, and finally if you are judgmental or perceptive. These series of questions are designed to judge our personalities and help us to determine which career pathways we will be most suited for based on our personality traits and abilities to work well with others, which is important
Organizational behavior is the driving force that guides a company along its path in business. The individuals that make up the company all have different personalities and temperaments, each interprets the actions of coworkers, supervisors, and administration differently. The Myers-Briggs personality test breaks down the main drivers of personalities and places it in a four-letter series. This test describes each personality type, the strengths, the weaknesses, and how a personality type perceives the world. Learning about personality types helps a person relate with others in a personal and business relationship.
The Keirsey Temperament Personality Test (, n.d.) is an exam used by people who want to gain a better understanding of their individual trait patterns and types of personality, as well as those of others. According to the exam, I am categorized as an “idealist,” meaning I tend to search for people and provide love, nurturing, and kindness. Not surprisingly, those are the characteristics nurses need to effectively care for their patients. As a nurse, in order to be nurturing and kind to your patients, you must love what you do.
However with advantages come disadvantages. For example, with correlational studies there is no background information obtained. Therefore, the reliability of the correlational studies is questioned.
As human beings, we different from one another. We are created with a lot of character traits. We all can gain knowledge about our own personalities, we develop our perceptive about strengths and weaknesses, and clarify what we truly value as individuals. The Myers Brigg personality assessment classified me as an Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving (ISFP) personality type. Results showed slightly Introvert 16 %, sensing 12%, feeling 19%, and perceiving 3%. Throughout this paper I will analyze the diverse parts of my own personality traits and how those traits have effected both my personal and my working environment.
The world would be a lot better of a place if everyone got along and knew how to communicate effectively with one another. There are several different personalities at any given workplace. “According to typological theory, each of us is born with a predisposition for certain personality preferences” (Kroeger pg11 para4). The Myers-Briggs Personality assessment is the most effective way to determine one’s personality type. The test uses different markers to determine how one is stimulated and exerts energy, gather information, make decisions, and living structure. At the completion of the test one will get personality type that is comprised of four letters. The test was developed based off of Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs-Myers’ psychological research on personalities and later dissected into Otto Kroeger’s book, “Type Talk at Work.” This book gives one the tools to determine what one’s personality is and then goes into great detail about one’s strengths and weaknesses and how it applies to to real life situations. My personality description is ENFP; Extravert, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. The following are details regarding and ENFP personality type examining a holistic view including personal and work place interactions. Everything is based on insights gained from real world experiences and interactions.
Over the last 100 years, the underpinning concepts in the fields of psychology and counseling were wrought. Within this period, these concepts have transformed and evolved from somewhat crude conceptions of the psyche toward more holistic interventions and approaches. As the profession continues to move forward, adaptations of the original theorists regarding the nature of man and the development of personality continue to emerge. These adaptations, along with the integration of new concepts and ideas, continue to contribute to the field. The author describes his view of man and human nature, personality development, and explores potential implications for counseling.
Feist, J., & Feist, G. J. (2009). Theories of Personality (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
The Big Five is a personality test asks questions about how you see yourself. Some questions were “I see myself as someone who tends to find fault with others” and “I see myself as someone who does things efficiently”. Each question is answered on a scale 1 (strongly disagreeing) to 5 (strongly agreeing). The test is around 45 questions long. Scores were represented in percentiles so that comparison could be made between people. The percentiles were based on groups determined by location and age. My scores were for someone around the age of 18 in North Carolina. My book character’s scores were from people around the age of 17 in the UK.
a. According self tests using the Five Factor Model, my personality has low extraversion and emotional stability, a high degree of openness, and moderate levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness. Low extraversion is demonstrated in both professional and social envionments. While working a corporate job as a financial analyst, taking the time and initiative to interact with coworkers beyond the scope of the job was limited to a brief conversation once a day with the same two people. In large social gatherings, interactions are limited to familiar people with whom I have pre-existing friendships. If I attend a concert by myself, I will bring a book to read in between musical acts to prevent people from speaking to me. Low emotional
For psychologists, one of the more popular theories espoused is the trait approach to personality, or “the idea that people have consistent personality characteristics that can be measured and studied” (Kalat, 2002, 512). However there are several problems that arise. First, there are significant cross-cultural differences, so one set of personality traits for one culture may differ considerably for another. The next problem would concern the creation of a test that could accurately measure these traits. While psychologists have for the most part addressed these issues, I will focus on the latter of the two. There has been a
Self-awareness is important in the development of a leader, because by realizing your faults and the preventing yourself from falling into the traps. A few tools used to help make people those more self-aware of their leadership skills are the IPIP test and 360 degree feedback. Research shows by understanding and examining your personality predicts leadership to a certain degree.
I found the test results of the Big Five personality assessment to be an interesting and very accurate description of myself. After completing this assessment, I was able to analyze my personality in depth. I found this information to be helpful knowledge and provide insight about myself, as well as being crucial in examining my personality traits. The big five is also referred to the OCEAN model of personality, and stands for the main traits used to describe personalities. This acronym stands for openness to experience/intellect, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. After taking the test I was then given percentile scores that allowed me to compare myself with other people who have taken the test online as well, therefore making it a more meaningful comparison.
Some key personality concepts that define who I am is introvert, intuitive, intuitive feeling, and judging. Introverted intuition allows me to appreciate a better clarity of perception of inner unconscious techniques. It allows me to act spontaneously and insightful as original resolutions present themselves, on a case by case basis. Basically this means that I follow my intuition and not how I may sense something.