
Essay about Personality Theories Matrix

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Personality Theories Matrix

THEORY Psychoanalytic Neo-Freudian Trait Biological Humanistic Behavioral/


Personality “Self: id, ego, superego, thanatos; defense mechanisms.”
Personlaity structureis made up of 3 major systems: the id, the ego and the superego. Each has its own function properties, components, operating principles, and mechanisms, the systems interact so closely with one another that it is difficult to disentangle their effects and state their relative contribution to man’s behavior.
Id is the part of the personality system with which a person is born, it is inherited and that is present at birth. It is comprised of urges and desires plus the effects and fixations …show more content…

Personal shadow can contain both positive and negative aspects. Shadow often appears in dreams. Tends to be the vehicle through which archetypal images of evil emerge out of the collective unconscious.
Persona is the face we put on in society. 2 basic responses introvert and extraversion. Introversion flows inward with reality being the reaction to an event, object or person. Introverts need solitude to develop and maintain their rich inner worlds. They value friendships and relationships with others. Extraverts reality on the other hand consists of objective facts or incidents.. Connects with reality mainly through external objects.

“ Eight psychosocial stages of development.”
Stage 1- Trust vs. Mistrust hope
Stage 2- Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt will power, determination
Stage 3- Initiative vs. Guilt purpose
Stage 4- Industry vs. Inferiority competence
Stage 5- Ego-Identity vs. Role Confusion fidelity
Stage 6- Intimacy vs. Isolation love
Stage 7- Generativity vs. Stagnaiton/Self-Absorption care
Stage 8- Ego Integrity vs. Despair wisdom

“Feminine psychology; neurosis: moving toward, moving away, leaving against people.”

Personifications; developmental epics

Powerlessness and anxiety; authoritarianism, powerlessness destructiveness; automation conformity.” “Personality traits: classification in measurement; nonmothetic approach versus the idiographic approach, cardinal versus central traits, functional autonomy versus

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