
Persuasive Essay About Education Today

Decent Essays

Education today is filled with teachers showing students how to do something the “correct way.” Students are forced to memorize something and to do things a certain way. If they were to do something different, they would be considered as wrong. Students today are fixed on the idea that “I must take the shortcut in life. I have to argue the subject with the most evidence and that I should try to make my life easier.” However, not all teachers and students are like this. Some teachers teach their students to be open with their opinions and that they can argue whatever they want to argue. Those are the types of teachers, we need more of in today’s education system. The system of education in America today is not the greatest. According to Pearson the United States was ranked 17 in 2012 and then moved up 3 ranks. Although it’s a good point that shows America’s education is getting better, it does not show what truly happens in the system of schools. Education is not a foul beast that must be slain, rather more of a problem that can be fixed. Although the school system may be in a bad state at the moment, it is important to remember that education can always be changed. The best way to understand this topic is for me to teach you all about education in the United States. Education has been in the United States for quite a long time and it’s been here before the formation of the United States. Back then the teaching was to learn how to read and write. This was mainly what

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