
Persuasive Essay About Going To College

Satisfactory Essays

It is time for me to start worrying about college. There are many schools to choose from but one school that I think I want to go to is UC Davis. The problem is, I don't know much about it. Is it hard to get in to? Does it have a nice campus? I want to go to UC Davis, but what does the school expect from me and what should I expect from them?
According to, UC Davis is a tough school to get into. It has a 38% admissions rate, which is moderately competitive. To get in, you are required an average GPA of 4.0, an SAT score of 1290, and a 27 on your ACT. This means you have nearly straight A's, your taking IB and AP classes, and you’re the best in your class. To sum it all up, you need to be crazy smart.
UC Davis campus is a great

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