
Persuasive Essay About Recycling Laws

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No recycling laws for Gatesburg. It is too complicated and time consuming with everything else that is going on in the world today. Citizens should not be concerned with how to throw away trash. The law calls for " administrative personnel" who will have the authority to write tickets.That is a waste time and money when they can find a more valuable position to assign that person to.
Falling outside of acceptable ranges summons the trash police to check your bins to see if you have thrown a banana peel into the trash bin instead of the compost bin, "Americans already recycle at a rate of 95% of lead-acid batteries and 70% of steel cans and newspapers." That is one reason i oppose the GatesburgGoGreen Initiative.
Our lives should not consist of if we should be fined for something as simple as throwing away a flier. Trash is trash at the end of the day it is being disposed of. If we aren't careful, Gatesburg will start to feel like the United Kingdom. As citizens we should not be under scrutiny "In some locations in the UK, compliance with trash laws monitered with …show more content…

"This proposed law is not only unnecessary but also radical in how it sacrifies the needs and comfort of citizens to reach an impossible ideal. We already recycle, and we do not need a law forcing us to go beyond what is unreasonable." Imagine coming home after a long stressful day to find a ticket and/or summons to appear in court for something as simple as not recycling a certain product in the right bin. Society should more concerned with the fundings for our school systems so the students can have a better education, using that money to build housing for the homeless especially during the extremely hot days and the freezing winter months. Not only can that money be used towards tuitions for our young students now entering college so they can have one less thing to worry about such as working and going to school

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