No recycling laws for Gatesburg. It is too complicated and time consuming with everything else that is going on in the world today. Citizens should not be concerned with how to throw away trash. The law calls for " administrative personnel" who will have the authority to write tickets.That is a waste time and money when they can find a more valuable position to assign that person to.
Falling outside of acceptable ranges summons the trash police to check your bins to see if you have thrown a banana peel into the trash bin instead of the compost bin, "Americans already recycle at a rate of 95% of lead-acid batteries and 70% of steel cans and newspapers." That is one reason i oppose the GatesburgGoGreen Initiative.
Our lives should not consist of if we should be fined for something as simple as throwing away a flier. Trash is trash at the end of the day it is being disposed of. If we aren't careful, Gatesburg will start to feel like the United Kingdom. As citizens we should not be under scrutiny "In some locations in the UK, compliance with trash laws monitered with
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"This proposed law is not only unnecessary but also radical in how it sacrifies the needs and comfort of citizens to reach an impossible ideal. We already recycle, and we do not need a law forcing us to go beyond what is unreasonable." Imagine coming home after a long stressful day to find a ticket and/or summons to appear in court for something as simple as not recycling a certain product in the right bin. Society should more concerned with the fundings for our school systems so the students can have a better education, using that money to build housing for the homeless especially during the extremely hot days and the freezing winter months. Not only can that money be used towards tuitions for our young students now entering college so they can have one less thing to worry about such as working and going to school
The GatesburgGoGreen Initiative is a proposal to reduce the countries landfill amount by 90% over the next 5 years. An example of who uses this initiative are cities like San Francisco and Cleveland with much larger populations than Gatesburg. Some people believe this initiative is no more than an unnecessary and radical law. According to multiple sources, Americans already recycle at a high rate, which is about 95% of lead-acid batteries and 75% of steel cans and newspapers. In some people's opinions, this law only puts a burden on citizens who are already recycling at a normal rate by adding complicated rules such as different colored bins for certain items. If the law
"Americans already recycle at a high rate, which is around 95% of lead-acid batteries and 70% of steel cans and newspapers." States, "No Recycling Laws for Gatesburg." There is never to high of a rate on how we conserve our resources. It's good to note we as a nation do well with lead-acid batteries and steel cans and newspapers, but what about all the environmentally unfriendly things that slide through our garbage into our landfill, especially the plastics.
There are though some problems that would come with this proposal. The GatesburgGoGreen Initiative would place strict laws on what residents can and can not put inside of each bin. The initiative proposes that fines will be placed on citizens who do not adhere strictly to the rules of what can go inside of each bin. Also, each bin is equipt with a radio-frequency identification computer chip, which will weigh each bin, and compare how much waste is placed in the recyling bins, versus the trash bins (waste that will go to the county landfll).
Debates in Gatesburg, arguement over having a initiative propossed by enviormental groups. Studys show that recycling rates in the America rate up to 95% of lead-acid battaries and 70%of steel cans and ect.
People who dont recycle should not get fined if there is an apple core in the wrong bin. The city would be wasting so much money having to hire
Well first off i'm all for recycling more but making it a law would be going to far in my option. The three tash can idea is to much if you ask me. Food an normal trash should be in one can and recyclables she be in another. If its a law and someone messes up then they get a ticket for putting the wrong thing in the wrong trash can. Because if you have three cans that will probley end up confusing for some poeple, like older men and women.
I don't think I should recive a fine just because I throw old food in the garbage. No Recycling Laws for Gatesburg states that, "Americans already recycle at a high rate, which is around 95% of lead-acid batteries and 70% of steel cans and newspapers." Which I personally think is wonderful. So why force people to do even more? Many people will be so used to doing things one way, that if you make it a law to do it another you are setting them up to break the law and be fined. And I don't think that is fair at all. Not only would it be unfair to fine people for not composting or recycling, but it would also increase taxes to pay for all of the services and personnel as stated in paragraph two of No Recycling Laws for Gatesburg. Therefor I do not agree with the Going Green for Gatesburg flyer. I beleive they have the best intentions but I don't think any community is ready for laws requiering citizens to compost or recycle. Maybe at some point in the future it will be as good idea, but as of right now I do not think it
On the proposal to go green. The gatesburg Go Green: Invites all citizens to partisipate on recycling, and to add more landfill by almost 90% for over the years to come.The citizens should have three trashcans,and althoulgh Purchasing bins and hiring staff will cost money and can be chalenging. It will be for a good cause. The goal is to have less trash and more land for the next generation and to reduce trash.
Although both passages introduce good arguments, I am undecided about witch one I shall agree with. The first one seems as if the GatesburgGoGreen Initiative is a very good ideal. As the second points out all of the major flaws in the Initiative. In my person opinion the initiative is a little ridiculous, and heres why. The fact remains that we already recycle. 95% of lead and 70% of steel. If you ask me then I think we are doing a dman good job. The entire initiative seems like its being forced, you will be given 3 trash bins for different items. Who wants to have 3 trash cans in there home to sperate the trash. And on top of that, as I take a statement out of the second article, what happens when someone makes a mistake and puts the wrong
The GatesburgGoGreen Initiative is an absolutely horrible idea in my opinion. The citizens of Gatesburg already recycle, why take things to the extreme? The thought of increased taxes, criminalization, fines, and utter invasion of privacy over trash is revolting.
On top of the flaws we already recycle more than 70% of steel cans and newspapers not including the 95% lead-acid batteries. Also money is getting spent either way but if Gateburg is looking to save on money then having non-lawful recycling is the way to go. The lawfulrecycling is just going overboard with trying to go green. You do not need law enforcment invading your trash and you don't need to pay extra for utilitys for the recycling. If you want to go green start a organization for recycling where people can join on there own or pick trash up on the side of the road in your free time. There is no need to go the extra mile for lawful recycling because it is going to cause pockets to
While recycling aluminum cans, newspapers, and lead-acid batteries is a good start I feel we do need to do more recyling, but without the fear of being fined, ticketed, or having our trash ouput tracked. For example if we have family over for a reunion and they dont know the proper laws or ways to recycle and end up just throwing things in the wrong bins with nobody seeing them. Then come trash day and we roll our bins out like a normal day, but because the radio-frequency chip on the trash bin is heavier than normal and the recycle bin is on the light end would we be fined? City officials wont know why our trash was bigger than normal, they will just see the rise in numbers and issue a ticket.
Plastic bag recycling would bring great benefits to our planet earth, but it takes the support of citizens to promote this. A town "Gulftowne" (Jones 1) is being persistantly serious about making it mandatory to have shoppers use reusable bags in place of plastic and or paper bags. First of all, by using "reusable shopping bags" (Jones 1) it would majorly help by avoiding some of the littering and threaten of wildlife. Second of all, the "Cutting down trees to make paper greatly dimishes our forests" (Jones 2). However, "Gulftowne rely on tourists to make a living." (Jones 7) and did not think beyond the grocery stores when considering this proposterous ordinance. In addition to this, the price and maintence needed to keep up with reusable bas would have to be taken into consideration as well.
Imagine walking down a forest path, feeling the crisp fall breeze, hearing the birds chirping, breathing in the fresh air. The earth's environment is wonderful and as stewards of this plant, it is every human's job to protect and even enhance its beauty. Dumping incinerated garbage into a hole in the Earth is not exactly being a good steward. However, science has developed the technology of recycling, and people should use this blessing as readily as possible. In other words, everyone should recycle, and if they won't do it on their own, recycling should become a requirement. Recycling should be mandatory because it helps minimize pollution, conserve energy, preserve natural resources, and create jobs.
We should all be living in a clean world and that is why a large part of the society recycles.