
Persuasive Essay For Military Service

Satisfactory Essays

Have you ever been running an errand and seen someone wearing a veterans cap? If so, what was the first thought that entered your mind? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to serve our country? I often wonder that. Individuals who have served in our country’s military share extravagant stories of gun fires and heroic interferences, bravery and yet great loss. Serving our country is no small feat, but every action has its equal opposite reaction. Throughout their time in service, these men and women will learn valuable skills, attain benefits for themselves and their families, and gain a sense of purpose for their lives. However, some may plummet into mental and physical health problems. It takes immense courage to enlist in our country’s armed services, and the effects of doing so will change the lives of those who join forever.

There are very few people in this world that can honestly say that they feel accomplished. If you ever asked a veteran that question he may, or may not, laugh in your face. For individuals who serve in our country’s military, finding meaning and a sense of accomplishment is not very hard to find. Not only have they sacrificed their lives, but they did it to protect people like you and I. If that doesn't give you meaning , I don’t know if anything will. While our soldiers are away and in training, they will learn valuable skills that they can carry with them throughout their lives. Leadership skills are among some of the more prominent

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