
Persuasive Essay Homework

Decent Essays

It’s Unreasonable for Students to Have So Much Homework

Have you ever tried to finish something after you’ve been busy all day, you're out of time, and you have no one to help you? Students try to do this far too often. Students are handed mountains of homework that despite their best efforts, they cannot finish. I would know, I am a junior high student after all. Far too many times I’ve seen students struggle to complete homework and their mental health has suffered. It’s obvious students shouldn’t have so much homework. First of all, teachers can’t help student's when they are struggling to complete assignments at home. Secondly, homework puts teens under immense amounts of stress. Lastly, students often don’t possess the time with their busy schedules. Students should have less homework because students won’t have a teacher’s assistance in completing assignments, It stresses students out, and the majority of students don’t have enough time to finish homework and do things important to them.

First and foremost, Students don’t have a teacher’s aid in completing assignments. Without a teacher’s helping hand, students often can’t complete homework. To begin with, Without teachers supervision students get distracted and often don’t complete their work. It’s easy for teenagers to be distracted by their phone, their friends, and their hobbies when they’re trying to work. For instance, When you have so much around you that is significantly more fun and interesting when

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