
Persuasive Essay On Abortion

Decent Essays

The abortion debate is still alive today and branches out all over the world, from developing countries that have improper medical care to the most developed countries where everyone is well off and provided everything they need and want. In an academic journal, known as “Abortion Debate,” these issues are expressed. It’s already been established that laws on abortion are different all over the world. In some places, like Northern Ireland, abortion is illegal unless the woman in question is in danger for being pregnant. Then, in places like Greece, there are no restrictions on abortions as long as it’s a set number of weeks gestation. In Greece, this number is up to twelve weeks. After that abortion is not an option. While abortion is available in Western Europe, the rate is lower than that in Africa, where it is illegal. In places like this, women are forced to go under illegal procedures to abort their unborn child. For this reason, many believe that abortion needs to be legal to provide safe procedures for those seeking one. Now on to America; many U.S. citizens think abortion, while legal, needs restrictions. Those restrictions varying from health reasons to how many weeks of gestation a woman can be up to. 26% of Americans want abortion to be legal no matter the reason. 56% think there need to be restrictions. Then 17% believe abortion needs to be illegal. These 17% have used many tactics to stop abortion, one of those ways being making getting an abortion more difficult. This means raising prices, putting …show more content…

Wade, this journal makes a direct connection. While the case was decided years ago, it’s outcome is still highly debated. The abortion laws put in place since then are compared to other laws around the world. However it zeros in on America and its current laws as the many stances and beliefs people have on the matter. It also discusses life without abortion and that women face dangerous procedures when it’s not easily available to

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