
Persuasive Essay On Cyber Bullying

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If you asked adults about their childhood they would probably tell you how they would go outside and play hockey in the street with the neighborhood kids or go over to a friends house and hang out in a treehouse. My dad tells me stories about how he got sprayed by a skunk when he was outside with his dog once, or one time he rode his big wheel down a slide and knocked the wind out of himself. But if you ask people who are kids now, 20 years from today about what their childhood was like they might tell you about playing Black Ops, talking to their friends over the PS4 headset, or Snapchatting. Kids now are staying inside and playing video games or sitting on their phone, maybe texting a friend instead of seeing them in person and talking face to face. The average age for getting a smartphone was 12 in 2012, but now it’s down to age 10 in 2016. But are kids really ready for a phone at age 10? 10 Year Olds Aren't Responsible Enough Yet Kids may have heard their teachers at school talk about how anything you personally post on the internet can always be retrieved or found so you must think before you post, but not everyone takes this advice seriously. If your kid sees cyber bullying or is the victim of it are they really able to handle it? Will they do the right thing and report it? The older they are the better they are at handling tough situations that happen online. Cyber Bullying Hotline says,"81% of kids say that bullying online is easier to get away with." Social

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