
Persuasive Essay On Endangered Animals

Decent Essays

As climate change becomes a frequent topic in household discussions, the fate of animal populations all over the world has also gained much needed attention. Illegal trade of wildlife has become an increasing problem in African countries, especially since conservation efforts receive little to no funding from their governments. However, another enigma presents itself to conservationists as well; whether or not trophy hunting aids or damages endangered species’ populations. Weighing these two issues and determining a sustainable outcome is an obstacle that still faces scrutiny and much deliberation today. While a clear solution has not yet been established, the differences can be openly displayed.
Poaching has its foot in the door in most continents on Earth. From South Africa to the Artic Circle, endangered species are being illegally slaughtered and sold, generating millions in untaxed profits for poachers. Trophy hunting on the other hand, is legally and sustainably regulated in many countries. One key difference between the two is the boundaries, or lack thereof, between what animals are able to be killed and what is not. Poachers often have no regard for the age or sex of an individual, or the conservation status of it’s species. Instead, they decide what will be more profitable for them to sell illegally. Simply put, they would ruthlessly kill a pregnant female or mother just as they would kill a male. Often times, this leads to a depletion in numbers of already

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