
Persuasive Essay On Grey's Anatomy

Decent Essays

There are many TV shows and movies that inspire people throughout their life. Shows make people laugh and give someone something to look forward to every week when the TV show airs. A TV show that has been around for well over ten years now, has made people laugh, cry, and brought joy to millions of people over the years. TV shows allow people to escape into a world where they can relax and enjoy the entertainment of the show. Now, TV and movies are not meant to be excessively watched, but they are meant for entertainment and to allow other to relax. Grey’s Anatomy is a show based on a female doctor names Meredith Grey, the show finds herself struggling to live up to the expectations of what her mother had. Grey’s mother was a phenomenal surgeon …show more content…

Life itself will never stop. The world will keep going every single day and no matter what one does, the world will not stop because someone does not want to go on. While Meredith Grey was going through a difficult time in her life where everyone she has ever loved started dying, she decided that no one can wait for the future anymore, “We spend our whole lives worrying about the future, planning for the future, trying to predict the future, as if figuring it out will cushion the blow. But the future is always changing. The future is the home of our deepest fears and wildest hopes. But one thing is certain when it finally reveals itself. The future is never the way we imagined it” (“Grey’s Anatomy”). By spending time worrying about what life will bring to oneself and try to figure out what one’s next move will be taking so much time out of life. Grey’s Anatomy is trying to show people the true meaning of life; live it too precious to constantly worry about to predict too much about. There is more to life than trying to figure out who one will marry, when one will buy their first house, or when someone is going to die. Life is just purely too

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