
Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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Did you know that immigration has always been an issue in the US? For decades, immigrants of all races were being segregated for no reason, and it’s commencing again. Currently, there are about 11 million immigrants living illegally in the United States. Previous presidents like Barack Obama strived to protect illegal immigrants so they do not confront deportation. However, when his term came to an end and elections began, republican candidate Donald Trump made various offensive statements towards illegal immigrants, specifically Mexican ones. This sparked immense controversy about what his intentions were if he were elected and, if Mexicans really were drug dealers, criminals, and stole jobs in America. Once Donald Trump was elected, he promised to build a wall along the Mexican border to ensure Americans jobs were protected, and criminals stopped coming into the US. Despite everyone’s stands, a border wall that Donald Trump vows to build will not protect American jobs and reduce crime. A wall is extremely expensive and paying for it is unnecessary, it is an environmental catastrophe, and the wall will not halt drug dealers from transporting drugs, they will persist. The border wall that Donald Trump keeps promising is a waste of money for the United States because it will not improve Americans jobs. He believes that illegal immigrants harm the economy because they remove jobs, but they do not take jobs in the first place. The main part of their argument is that illegal

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