Mars One
Shae Lewellyn, Zach Smith, Athena Mefford
If Earth was in trouble and we needed to find a new home, where would we go? Mars One is planning to send two crews of people over to Mars to start a new nation, a new colony. Mars One is a program that isn’t apart of NASA and they are funding a expedition to Mars so they can start a civilization, because they believe that we will run out of resources and room on Earth. The opposing sides are trying to establish whether the trip is a suicide mission or a possible new home for us all. Our claim about Mars One is that we agree and that it is a good idea to go and have that amazing experience and that if you think that it is a good idea and you are on board with it you should put your say in Mars One.
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If the Earth had some sort of mass destruction and was no longer usable we would need somewhere to go. And Mars is the closest place to go. If we didn’t go to Mars and save what we have then we will soon run out of resources here on Earth and then we will have nothing left. It is better to have everything done now than later when we can’t and don’t really have a chance to get anybody over there to start that new world.
Also, you are creating a new colony and a new world. Then we would have a new place to start a new world and find new resources.Once we do this now then we will have all the expenses done and paid for but, if we wait for the future when we have no resources to to make any money then we wouldn’t be able to pay the six billion dollar bill. It is better to be too soon than too late and most people would rather get it done quicker and that way while we still have this technology we can send over food supplies and keep an eye on if going to Mars is a good idea for new people to go over to create that new
The people that go to mars are risking their lives they can die of many things, including lack of oxygen and sickness. There is no atmosphere on Mars so therefore there is no oxygen which all humans need. The people will try to make an atmosphere by planting plants which let off oxygen, which could easily fail. Some
Most of the mistakes made on Earth would not be repeated again on Mars. Mars should be colonized, as with the Moon. Inhabiting giant asteroids, other planets and moons and space stations in constant orbit around planets and moons would help solve the problem of overcrowding and world hunger. While it'll be extremely risky, expensive and take many years, but colonizing Mars will be a major factor in the long run. They are almost certain that it will happen eventually if all goes well, and I'm at least sure that it is possible. Space exploration is getting better and cheaper all the time. We still have to develop a lot of technology to be in a position where it is actually possible. Once we are at that stage, it will be relatively easy to go on and colonize the rest of the planets and moons within this solar system. Hopefully one day this will lead us to a point where we can move on to other solar systems and allow our evolutionary chain to expand and continue throughout the Universe. Earth will not be around forever. The main advantage to colonizing Mars is that we, as a species, we will survive the end of the world on Earth. The surface area of Mars is the same as the land area of Earth so that is a doubling of the available land for human use. Physical strength might well be reduced, but in a lower gravity environment, there will be less day to day stress on your body, so your organs should
Some people believe that having a single planet is risky and we should have an alternate planet to escape. An entrepreneur, Elon Musk, has built a rocket company, on which in the future a spaceship would bring settlers to mars. The settlers, according to this entrepreneur, would serve as protection against earth’s extinction
Colonization on Mars is not okay because studies show that there is life on Mars so if humans go there it would be like invading, there is no sign of flowing water and it is way too far from Earth. Mars shouldn’t be colonize because of all the flaws it has. Plus we have our own planet that we worked hard for and fought
When we, as humans, face extinction, there needs to be a backup plan. On Vazquez states “The biggest incentive for putting humans on Mars is to have ‘an insurance mechanism for our species,’ says Stephen Petranek, author of How We'll Live on Mars” (“Could Humans Actually Live on Mars”). This quote lets us know that the purpose of the exploration on Mars is to find a way to keep humans safe. According to the website of a small business focused on technology,, ¨Companies are still failing to put strategic contingency plans in place. Analysts from Hughes Marketing Group have found that over the course of a month, 90 percent of small companies (fewer than 100 employees) spend less than 8 hours planning or managing their business continuity plans¨ (“10 Backup”). This statistic conveys that back up plans are needed to be successful . Also, most people do not make them, so they will fail and not no what to do next. I believe that Mars needs to be colonized by humans because hopefully in the future, humans will be able to state that their home is
Mars is a planet that has the capability of sustaining life. Should we or should we not colonize this red planet? My group believes that the UN should colonize this planet, because it will bring many benefits. First of all, it would provide us with many resources that we may not have in our planet. Humans need to find out a way to colonize a new planet because our planet isn’t gonna live forever At some point in the future we will run out of room on earth or use up all the resources. Our planet can’t support all the living people in this planet forever. We need to figure out what our next step in humanity is. We believe that we should start considering colonizing other planets because of the resources, growth and survival.
Imagine leaving everything behind such as friends, family, money, and everything that exists on planet Earth, to travel over millions of miles to live on Mars. Traveling to Mars seems like a fictional thought that a seven year old may think of, but it is almost becoming a reality. A company entitled Mars One plans on sending humans to Mars by the year 2023. They want to establish another home for humans, and need citizens of Earth to do so. The main issue surround this is that the humans that travel to Mars will never come back. That being said, humans should not colonize Mars. Humans should not colonize Mar because they will face psychological and physical hardships, humans will not have any sort entertainment, and one cannot return to Earth
Humans have always been interested in the idea of exploring space. the scientists, astronauts and researchers have spent decades looking for life on other planets. Mars is the most favorable place in the solar system, other than Earth, for human habitation. It is also the closest planet to Earth. Even though some researchers claim that exploring Mars will help us to understand the Earth better, and a manned mission to Mars is better for humanity, opposing sending a manned mission to Mars for these reasons: because the cost of the exportation is not worth the risk involved. this exploration will have a negative effect on Americans. Mars exploration should be halted because of the cost to the economy, the risk to society and the lack
When we colonize Mars we will have grown to new learning heights, and to places we never thought we would be. Do you really want the technology to stay the same for the next 20 years, that would mean no new IPhone releases and no new discoveries. When we go to Mars, our rocket science technology will be so advanced that when we invent time travel and go back and tell our 2017-self about it, our minds will be blown. Isn’t that the dream? If we don’t colonize Mars then none of that will ever happen.
Since we do not know if there are any ‘beings’ or organisms on Mars, it can be seen as unethical to strip these possible organisms of their land so that we can colonize. Through the use of man-made colonies and the use of the earths orbit, we would not be disrupting another planet, rather only adding to our existing world. With the expanding population on earth we will eventually need more room for everyone, and this seems like a good idea. Moreover, this does not only stop at the earth, we can later use foreign moons and their orbits for these
Look what people have done to Earth, now think about what Mars might look like when people go to Mars. People have polluted Earth so much that 6.7% of people die from ambient air pollution which is about 100,000,000 people. Since people have started global warming in about 1975 and is now growing faster and faster. It wouldn’t take long to pollute it and especially since Mars is 53% of the Earth. When people go to Mars they will already be polluting since rockets cause 5% of pollution so when hundreds of people start going to Mars the air won’t even be close to clean. In conclusion People will take another planet and just ruin it.
Mars is a really good place to colonize because it is really cold on Mars which, means that the inside is frozen and if the colonizers can melt that they would have endless water. NASA is not going to send colonizers every day. They have to send people at the right time because the sun is blocking Mars and if they send them at the wrong time they will go right into the sun. Earth is a overpopulated place so if we go to Mars and its fine to live there our earth would not be overpopulated anymore. Also NASA is not going to force you to go to Mars you can go to Mars if you are experienced and you want to
This will help us have a more advanced understanding of the universe more and have a place to colonize if the earth perishes. However, this is true, but it is without a doubt, more expensive to send humans into space than robots. Humans need larger spacecrafts, food, water, air, environmental control systems, sanitation facilities, safety equipment, etc. All of these necessities are very expensive and far less expensive when it comes to robots that do not need as much to function properly, so robots are more cost efficient. To propose an argument for colonization on Mars, why can’t we just stop the environmental issues we are causing that will lead to the “end of the world”, such as pollution. With the technology we have, we certainly can prevent ourselves from damaging the earth more than we already have. It is fair to say that if we continue our bad habits, we will need another place to live. If we find a way to stop our habits, we will be able to remain on earth for a longer period of time. Ultimately, the Mars One mission has many known and yet to be discovered problems. The risk analysis has not been fully assessed. If everything goes according to plan, the mission will be considered successful. However, there are many places where the mission can fail. These failures can result in
We were born on earth, we are meant to live on earth, not on a planet that is different from earth like mars. We are not able to live on mars because there are any other living things on mars. If nothing is living on mars right now, how are we supposed to live there, we aren't. The trip to mars it too risky and we should remain our lives on planet
To begin, one of the paramount problems is cost. It would cost billions of dollars to simply get to Mars to set up the base camp location.[1] This does not even include the trip to send the first manned crew to the location, which in itself would cost over a billion dollars. The total plan for the first year of a colony on Mars is estimated at around $6 million which only includes setting up the first set of humans sent. Any follow up trips to send more humans to populate the colony will cost upwards of $1.5 billion dollars per year. [1]The costs of simply getting to the planet are astronomical and are going to leave a sizeable dent in the countries national treasury. While SpaceX CEO Elon Musk claims that the cost per ticket to get on a spaceship to less than $2 hundred thousand would make it substantially cheaper, there is no way that the costs can be that low in this point in time. His plan involves using a reusable spaceship, and cheaper propellants, which are both not options that have been