
Persuasive Essay On Mars 1

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Mars One
Shae Lewellyn, Zach Smith, Athena Mefford

If Earth was in trouble and we needed to find a new home, where would we go? Mars One is planning to send two crews of people over to Mars to start a new nation, a new colony. Mars One is a program that isn’t apart of NASA and they are funding a expedition to Mars so they can start a civilization, because they believe that we will run out of resources and room on Earth. The opposing sides are trying to establish whether the trip is a suicide mission or a possible new home for us all. Our claim about Mars One is that we agree and that it is a good idea to go and have that amazing experience and that if you think that it is a good idea and you are on board with it you should put your say in Mars One. …show more content…

If the Earth had some sort of mass destruction and was no longer usable we would need somewhere to go. And Mars is the closest place to go. If we didn’t go to Mars and save what we have then we will soon run out of resources here on Earth and then we will have nothing left. It is better to have everything done now than later when we can’t and don’t really have a chance to get anybody over there to start that new world.
Also, you are creating a new colony and a new world. Then we would have a new place to start a new world and find new resources.Once we do this now then we will have all the expenses done and paid for but, if we wait for the future when we have no resources to to make any money then we wouldn’t be able to pay the six billion dollar bill. It is better to be too soon than too late and most people would rather get it done quicker and that way while we still have this technology we can send over food supplies and keep an eye on if going to Mars is a good idea for new people to go over to create that new

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