Recently, NASA scientists have reported evidence that there are inhabitants residing on planet Mars. One of NASA’s probes returned high resolution images just before communication had been severed. The photos leaked from NASA reveals the nasty truth of why humans have not attempted to travel to Mars. These photos display how extraterrestrials are using abducted humans for their experiments. It is unpleasant to the eyes seeing our own people locked up in human farms similar to the one we call as the slaughterhouse.
Just by looking through a telescope, the first thing we notice is the red dust that covers Mars’ atmosphere. A probe from NASA came back with samples of the red dust. After several analysis, NASA scientists have concluded that the
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All of the women locked in cages were stripped from their clothes. Every day, the extraterrestrials would come by each cage to test the fertility of each woman. If a woman was deemed fertile, the extraterrestrials with huge craniums would take her to the next site where they would inject foreign DNA into her body. Next thing you would notice is that the women that came out of the operations acted mindless. Before preparing their trip back to Earth, the extraterrestrials rehabilitated the women back to normal conditions and put them to sleep as if nothing had happened. Cindy was one of the few women who also got experimented on. Police reports indicated that many frightened women were left out on the streets with no clue of what happened to them. Some would not even say a single word. Without a doubt, these extraterrestrials brainwashed their victims.
Our team had tracked down where Cindy was, and it appears that she had forgotten her identity. We took her to a lab and x-rayed her body to see what was injected in her. It appears that there was an embryo developing within her uterus at an increasing rate. At this rate, the embryo could develop into an adult in a day or two. Without hesitation, we took out the embryo from Cindy before it outgrows her body, which could possibly kill
The topic of Mars has long been of interest to astronomers and science fiction enthusiast alike. The premise of another planet supporting life excites people like no other. In 2004, The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, began preliminary science experiments and instrument proposals for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) and a robotic space probe mission to Mars. After long testing and development stages, the mission birthed a rover, Curiosity, which was launched in November 2011 and subsequently landed August 6th 2012. As we speak Curiosity is collecting invaluable data for our understanding of mars including: habitability, climate and geology, and possibly setting up a manned mission to mars in the
Do you think animal testing is wrong why and why not? I think it is good because we'd all rather an animal die than have a human being that has a family. I also think it is necessary because most animals share human DNA with us so it's easier to test products and other things on them. According to Laika, the dog was launched into outer space on November 3rd, 1957. This shows that we used an actual animal first instead of a human. +7
For those of you still upset over Pluto's demotion, there may be a new ninth planet. Or at least NASA scientists believe it exists -- and they want you to help find it.
It was predicted by Bill Kaysing that the likihood of sending a man to the moon and back were low because of the micro meters and radiation that may cause harm a human. Not even two years later, President J. F. Kennedy gave a speech reporting that he will designate the country with plenty of resources to land a person on the moon before the decade was out. Two years shy of a decade later, the Apollo 11 took off to the moon with three people aboard, who were Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins. In July of 1969, these were the first people to ever land on the moon and walk on the moon. Many people have taken their own opinion about what actually happened. Persuasive evidence was discovered and the people have doubted that America
The Space Race was a 20th century competition between two Cold War rivals, the United States of America and the Soviet Union. This competition was held between 1955 until 1972 and enabled these two rivals to advance their ability of spaceflight and their exploration out of the Earth’s reach. The competition covered several ways in taking human life out of Earth’s orbit and to successfully bring them back home in the process. The Space Race brought about several controversial topics relating to how the USSR copied the methods conducted by the United States, how the United States retaliated against the USSR and the man landing was purposely staged or not. These factors contribute to a large extent on how the space race was won. The Space Race
On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy set a national a national goal to complete a crewed lunar landing on the Moon and return them to Earth safely. He made a special joint session of Congress on May 25, 1961 and said, “I believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth.” This soon became the primary objective of Apollo 11. On July 16, 1969, two brave men, by the names of Neil Armstrong (1930-2012) and “Buzz Aldrin” (1930-), traveled to a previously unexplored terrain. Apollo 11 was an extremely dangerous journey. During the trip to the moon, the United States encountered many hardships and complications. It took 42 failed attempts prior to the
If Earth was in trouble and we needed to find a new home, where would we go? Mars One is planning to send two crews of people over to Mars to start a new nation, a new colony. Mars One is a program that isn’t apart of NASA and they are funding a expedition to Mars so they can start a civilization, because they believe that we will run out of resources and room on Earth. The opposing sides are trying to establish whether the trip is a suicide mission or a possible new home for us all. Our claim about Mars One is that we agree and that it is a good idea to go and have that amazing experience and that if you think that it is a good idea and you are on board with it you should put your say in Mars One.
The majority of people know that a large asteroid was accountable for the annihilation of roughly seventy percent of all life on Earth sixty-five million years ago, which seems so long ago that it is not really a concern for life now; however, there are an estimated one million asteroids that are orbiting the Sun right now and we can only account for one percent of them. So, that means that there are about nine hundred and ninety thousand other asteroids that we do not know much about that can potentially at any point in time strike Earth. Is this enough to show that the potential threat is in fact real or is there no reason to be alarmed? Scientists fear that if we do not raise awareness on this issue, we the human race may eventually meet a similar demise that dinosaurs and other life met millions of years ago. The main reason asteroid strikes are a problem is unawareness about what they are as well as when and where they are going to strike and the best
The moon landing was an incredible feat of man. The first mission to the moon was on July 16, 1969. Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, and Michael Collins were the first three astronauts to go onto the moon. Some people think that the moon landing was faked. However, there is no possible way that the moon landing could have been faked.
Texas is losing their fight against same-sex couples here on Earth so now, they look to reignite the battle up in space. Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert announced to the world on Wednesday that Mars is no place for gay astronauts and NASA may be responsible for the end of days.
It was our first trip to Disney World, and we were visiting what I thought, was the scariest ride in the world. I thought that certain ride was scary, because ever since I was five I would always throw up on the roller coasters, or even car rides. I hated roller coasters ever since I threw up. I thought to myself, ‘This is Disney World we’re talking about, I have to go on this ride, I need this. I promised myself I would go on every single ride here. I will get over this fear.’ After that thought I looked at my dad, as he was already planning on going on this ride. The ride was called Space Mountain, I was told that people with motion sickness shouldn’t go on the ride, but that won’t stop me. I’ve also been told it is a pretty cool and fun ride, so that is another reason why I’m going on Space Mountain.
5,4,3,2,1 that is the sound that most americans hope to hear again, and same with NASA. NASA believes that american citizens should fund space exploration so that they could fulfill the dreams of the moon landing but instead with Mars. The funding of space exploration has helped the U.S. in many ways. Funding for space exploration maybe difficult and costly but it will work out in the long run. For example NASA plans to develop more into their Mars mission in 2020. This goal though can only be achieved if NASA receives the right funding they need to create the technology. Space exploration should be funded by the U.S. because there are many benefits to the space exploration like discovering materials such as new medical knowledge and creating new useful technology.
Why did Columbus travel west? Why did Marco Polo head east? Because it is that pull, that unknown, that prospect of adventure that compels humans to seek new frontiers to explore.
NASA is not only used for science, it is meant to encourage people to change their lives and to create new technology, it is much more than just space exploration. NASA may lay the groundwork for the future technology but society is what makes it happen. Recently, there has been much debate about whether the space explorations by NASA should continue to be funded. If NASA is no longer funded then it creates a problem for society. NASA has provided the world with information that has helped our nation get to the advanced place it is at today. It is important for these space investigations to continue because it will allow the discovery of new habitable planets that can be used for colonizing in the future if necessary. Although some people may
When you look out into space, what do you see? Some see a void a void of nothingness, others see merely a plateau of stars and bright things. However, there are those who see a land of opportunity in the darkness. A place of new beginnings and endless possibilities combined with an equal amount of questions and curiosities. Amongst that plethora of questions there is one that speaks to us the most: Is there somewhere amongst those endless planets and stars that we can, one day, call home? Companies such as NASA have been working tirelessly to find a solution, and the answer may lie within our own Solar System.